“Sociology, society”. José María Bleda

Today, in the section of Sociology in a Network, I present the blog of José María Bleda. A reference blog for sociology in Spain and, above all, for those who have a special interest in citizen participation and the sociology of health, areas in which José María Bleda is a specialist.


Sociology, society

“Sociología, sociedad”. José María Bleda


In these times, where everybody talks a lot of economic crisis and little of a social crisis is when the social analysis must be more and of quality, perhaps we can help to better interpret the current reality?, maybe. In the world of the blogosphere appeared the new blog of José María Bleda, like Cisolog, where you can participate and try to give some clues as to social interpretation. As the same José María Bleda says in the heading of your blog:

Here we fight for freedom of expression, which is very dangerous. We denounce especially the ones that say they are liberal (in the sense of nineteenth century) and are nothing more than authoritarian.


José María Bleda

“Sociología, sociedad”. José María Bleda

José María Bleda is a professor of Sociology in the Department of Philosophy (Sociology) in the Faculty of law and Social Sciences at UCLM in Toledo, director of the journal sociological Practice Sociological, founded by Felipe Centelles in 1992.

His main areas of research are citizen participation and the sociology of health. Your knowledge in these two areas, it picks up very well in his last published book: citizen Participation in health (2011) written together with Marta Aguilar. It is a publication intended for all those people who are concerned about the current situation of representative democracy, who want to acquire new keys to move in the deliberative democracy, in further deepening participatory democracy, and wish to be active agents in the same. In this particular case: in the health sector. The interest that is pursued is that the citizens participate more directly in matters of health that concern them, while they must do having a higher information and training (empowerment); to do this they must have the cooperation of the public and private management, offering a greater transparency of the managers, and greater accountability. Likewise, it is desirable that health professionals take a more active part in this process of reform or progress in democratic participation. At the end of this post I include the review for Juan Carlos to Hard Martínez (Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy UCM) made the book in the Praxis of Sociology no. 16 . 2012.

Then compiled a list of some publications of books and articles which he is the author or co-author:

  • The State of well-being in the Community of Castile-La Mancha. (2002). Retrieved from http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=268204
  • Bleda Garcia, J., & Aguilar Gil, M. (2011). Citizen participation in health. Editorial Universitas SA
  • Philip, C. B., Octavio, U. J., Francis, & Mary, B. G., Jose. (2000). Building awareness of regional policy in Castilla-La Mancha. Studia carande: Journal of social sciences and law, (5), 453-468.
  • The woman in Castilla-La Mancha: a sociological study. (1999). University of Castilla-La Mancha. Retrieved from http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=51536
  • Manuel, T. G., Jesus, David, L. R., & Maria, B. G., Jose. (2008). The response of the autonomous communities in the field of health and immigration: analysis of the case of castilla-la mancha, 239-254.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (1998a). The politics of old age in Castilla-La Mancha, spain (1995-2005): a possible scenario. Barataria: revista castellano-manchega de ciencias sociales, (1), 111-124.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (1998b). Social policies for old age in the region of Castilla-La Mancha. Praxis sociological, (3), 75-82.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (1999). Theoretical aspects for a sociological analysis of the reality of the widows. Praxis sociological, (4), 203-208.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (2001). Quality in emergency hospital: opinion and satisfaction of the patients. Barataria: revista castellano-manchega de ciencias sociales, (4), 101-110.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (2008a). Health and health care in Castilla-La Mancha, spain (1982-2007), 131-146.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (2008b). Citizen participation in health. An experience of deliberative democracy, 321-330.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose. (2010). Felipe Centelles, a dreamer of sociology that built realities. Barataria: revista castellano-manchega de ciencias sociales, (11), 15-18.
  • Mary, B. G., Jose, Alvaro, S. G., & César, F. C. (2008). Design of a model of citizen participation in health in the Community of Castile-La Mancha and implementation of the same in the Health Area of Puertollano (2005-2008). Journal of health administration TWENTY first century, 6(4), 699-714.
  • Mary, B. G., Joseph, Philip, C. B., & Octavio, U. J., Francisco. (1998). Women in Castilla-La Mancha (1991-1995). Barataria: revista castellano-manchega de ciencias sociales, (1), 181-206.
  • Mary, B. G., Joseph, & Gem, V. G. (2002). Quality perceived by the patients seen in the outpatient clinics of a university hospital complex. Praxis sociological, (6), 104-114.
  • Mary, B. G., Joseph, & Natalia, S. M. (2010). Satisfaction of the immigrants with the public health system of Castilla-La Mancha, 209-216.
  • Mary, B. G., Joseph, & Rodrigo, G. F. (2005). The population in Castilla – La Mancha. A study of socio-demographic, 53-70.
  • Marta, A. G., & Maria, B. G., Jose. (2009). The decentralization of the Spanish health system: lights and shadows, 513-520.
  • Octavio, U. J., Francis, & Mary, B. G., Jose. (1996). The political and social forces. Situation: Series, Regional Studies, (1996), 61-72.
  • Octavio, U. J., Francis, Mary, B. G., Joseph, & Philip, C. B. (1999). The widows of Castilla-La Mancha: a social reality. Society and utopia: Journal of social sciences, (1), 263-273.
  • Society and old age: social policies for old age : perceptions, trends and lines of development : the case of the region of Castilla-La Mancha. (1997). University of Castilla-La Mancha. Retrieved from http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=69071


Review of citizen Participation in health (Aguilar and Bleda, 2011) by Juan Carlos Hard Martínez in Praxis Sociological no. 16 . 2012.


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