Study on the Sector of the Market Research 2015

Estudio sobre el Sector de la Investigación de Mercados 2015

AEDEMO, Spanish Association of Market Studies, Marketing and Opinion, ANEIMO, Association of Companies of Market Research and Opinion, and ESOMAR, European Society of Opinion and Market Research, make public the progress of the data of 2015 in the “Study on the Sector of the Market Research 2015”, developed by AEDEMO and ANEIMO for the Spanish market.

In it you can see the growth resounding in the sector in 2015:+7.2% and positive expectations for 2016:

  • This growth of +7.2% was a ball of oxygen after the hard years of the crisis, registering the biggest growth of the sector since 2007. It is estimated that the Net Business to the total for the sector in 2015, has been of 473 million euros, restoring what was lost in the past three years.
  • The expectations for 2016 are optimistic, although somewhat more moderate after an exceptional year. It is expected that the growth for this year to be around 3.5-4%. Almost half of the companies (49,8%) are committed to the growth in the billing.

Estudio sobre el Sector de la Investigación de Mercados 2015

As for the rest of the information analyzed in the Study, in general, reaffirm the trends observed in recent years and we highlight the following:

  • Although the landscape is dominated by quantitative research (82.5% of the total turnover), the qualitative research takes an important boost with an increase of +14.7 per cent. Recover so much space lost over the previous years and may be due in part to the impact of the application of new methodologies such as neuromarketing. Grows in both the qualitative traditional and the online.
  • The research adhoc loses strength in favor of the continuous research (panels and other ongoing investigations); it is important to detect at the time of any change of trend. In the past 7 years, the investigation continues to earn 10 points of market share.
  • The thrust of the research for the Services sector in 2015, +10,8% and that seems to mark a trend that is rooted in the time. Narrow the differences between the Service sector and the Manufacturing Industry.
  • For the first time the collection digital (by means of electronic, automated and online), accounts for over half of total turnover, in particular for 51.2%, while in 2015 it produces a slowing down of this trend is unstoppable.
  • The full internationalization of the sector, with 21.2% of export and 14.3% of services performed to international studies.
  • With respect to domestic clients, the trend to centralization, to the detriment of the rest of Spain.
  • The sector has expanded the number of employees a +6,9%, in line with its growth. 58% of employees are university graduates, which determines the need for talent in the sector. Also continue updating the equipment, with an increase of +10.3% in devices CAPI.

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