The frailty of the construction instrumentation of the collective. Chile 2016

On the various claims that have appeared in Chile in recent years a repeat of the public. In general, one could say that it repeats a certain search of the collective. Now, the idea of this entry is that the way in which it has been articulated that idea is particularly fragile.

In a nutshell: You want the collective as a way of ensuring an individual good. It is not so much that they want a better life for all, as I begin to see that all my efforts to achieve my dreams don’t always work, that there is much that will cost, and then require support to do this. In passing: That the demand for collective support from an experience of effort, and ask support for the effort, it returns all those phrases in easy on ‘I want everything for free’, ‘sleeve loose’ sounds even more insulting than usual. It tells a population that feels that everything has cost, and that nothing has been easy.

Well, when the collective it appears that way then it is fragile. As the entire medium is only looking for it as long as you keep a calculation of effectiveness and of efficiency. And in particular this output is extremely fragile: to Achieve things on my own can be difficult and, then, you are then required to ‘change the world’. But, on the other hand, what is not to change the world to something much more difficult to change one’s own life?

The anecdotes never prove anything, but are always useful as illustrations. And to show that this fragility is not new or unusual, it may not be of more use an example old. With the opening of its government Tiberius, was found with a social movement: the legions, and Pannonia, took advantage of the change of government to raise their list of demands (decrease of years of service, wage increase etc). The life of a legionary was hard and a collective action seemed like a reasonable solution -in addition to that, clearly, the legions gathered had a great power. Tiberius sent Drusus, his son, to negotiate. In the midst of this, some centurions loyal to the order began to use the following type of argument -or at least Tacit us says this:

‘Reform by collective agitation is slow in coming: individuals can earn goodwill and win sti rewards straightaway’ (Tacitus, Annals, I:28)

The face of difficulties, there is not necessarily output, and unique, and the way individual and collective can quickly change position. With which we return to the beginning: when the collective is seen instrumentally, its appeal is quite fragile.

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