The French and money, a collective work

Les Français et l’argent, un ouvrage collectifHas just been published by the Presses Universitaires de Rennes a collective work under the direction of Alya Aglan, Olivier Feiertag, and Yannick Marec, The French and the money. Between fantasies and reality.

More than a history of money in France during the contemporary period, this book explores the history of the relations of the French with money. Enrolling in an interdisciplinary perspective, it starts from the idea that money is a factor, the sign and the consequence of the social value of goods and people. At the crossroads of history economic, social, political and cultural, and the proposed approaches are as much contributions to a general history of money, the reality is protean of contemporary societies.

Centered on the period of Nineteenth-Twenty-first century, it has no less than 22 contributions divided into three sections

– Identities and social practices

– Power, voltage regulation and

– Perceptions, value, and moral

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