The scriptures autobiographical among professors of the Sorbonne

Has read on the website of the journal Contexts my account on the book of Christine Plasse-Bouteyre, The scriptures autobiographical among professors of the Sorbonne. 1880-1940 university Field, literary field, published in 2008

A reflection on the autobiographies produced by four professors of letters of the Sorbonne at the time of the Third Republic, which was very exciting. Through two generations of texts in the biographical, the author is interested in the terms of the discourse on self and the objectification of its trajectory that it requires. Christine Plasse-Bouteyre has chosen to authors Alfred Mézières and Ferdinand Baldensperger , as well as Ernest Lavisse and Jules Marouzeau.

By the choice of themes, forms of expression… the university-autobiographes claim the symbolic power to produce the “standards of reception, of perception and judgment which are at the very foundation of their social existence”. According to the author, we can analyze the autobiographical writing as a desire to put in symbolic form, by academics themselves, of their identity and of their social definition, their public image and their survival after his death.

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