
What alternatives did the colonists already try in their appeal to Great Britain according to the text?

What alternatives did the colonists already try in their appeal to Great Britain according to the text?

What alternatives did the colonists already try in their appeal to Great Britain, according to the text (speech)? They have tried many things, including petitions, argument, and pleas to parliament and to the crown.

What actions being taken by the British in 1775 require an immediate response from the colonists?

Throughout the speech, Henry focuses on one main action taken by the British colonists which, he proposes, requires an immediate response. This action is the assembling of “fleets and armies” in preparation for war.

What does Henry urge the colonists to do?

Terms in this set (4) Patrick Henry urged the colonists to do what? to raise their army to revolt and go against/oppose the British army.

What does Henry give as the signs that the British are planning to attack the colonies?

What does Henry indicate are signs that the British are planning to attack? Henry rejects the possibility of Americans gaining their rights simply by asking the King to grant them. He believes the British are already planning an attack and if the colonists don’t prepare now, they’ll never stand a chance.

What does give me liberty or give me death?

41. How does Henry’s final statement, “Give me liberty or give me death” represent the courage of both Henry and his audience? Henry states that he is willing to suffer a traitor’s death rather than be denied liberty.

What is Patrick Henry’s call to action?

Whats Patrick Henry’s call to action in his speech? For the Virginia Patriots to arm them self and get ready to fight the British, if the British do not yield to their demands.

What did Patrick Henry mean when he said give me liberty or give me death?

Save This Word! Words from a speech by Patrick Henry urging the American colonies to revolt against England. Henry spoke only a few weeks before the Revolutionary War began: “Gentlemen may cry Peace, Peace, but there is no peace.

What is the speaker’s purpose in Give me liberty or give me death?

The speaker’s purpose of Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death is to convince his audience that lack of action will have troubling consequences. On March 23rd, 1775, Patrick Henry gave a speech at the Second Virginia Convention. Patrick Henry was a planter from Virginia who had become a lawyer.

Why was Patrick Henry’s speech so effective?

Historians say that Henry’s “Liberty or Death” speech helped convince those in attendance to begin preparing Virginia troops for war against Great Britain. Royal Governor Lord Dunmore responded to the speech by removing gunpowder from the magazine.

Did Patrick Henry want to go to war?

But Patrick Henry wasn’t one of them, and he used his famous ‘Liberty or Death’ speech to persuade others of the justness of independence and the overriding need to defend it through force of arms. Henry tells his audience that the American colonists are already effectively at war with the British.

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