What are some good words to use in an essay?

What are some good words to use in an essay?

21 Words to Use in Your Essays to Impress Your English Teacher …..

  • Myriad. (Your reaction) Definition: (noun) a countless or extremely great number.
  • Asserts. (Your reaction)
  • Egregious. (Your reaction)
  • Erroneous. (Your reaction)
  • Engenders. (Your reaction)
  • Employs. (Your reaction)
  • Salient. (Your reaction)
  • Reasons. (Your reaction)

What words can you not use in an essay?

Formal Writing Voice

  • Do not use first-person pronouns (“I,” “me,” “my,” “we,” “us,” etc.).
  • Avoid addressing readers as “you.”
  • Avoid the use of contractions.
  • Avoid colloquialism and slang expressions.
  • Avoid nonstandard diction.
  • Avoid abbreviated versions of words.
  • Avoid the overuse of short and simple sentences.

What makes a creative person?

Creative people like to daydream and imagine the possibilities and wonders of the world. They can immerse themselves in imagination and fantasy, yet remain grounded enough to turn their daydreams into reality. They are often described as dreamers, but that doesn’t mean that they live with their heads in the clouds..

How do you describe a creative person?

Qualities of a Creative Person

  • Challenge Status Quo.
  • Avoid Assumptions.
  • Are naturally curious.
  • Always explore all possibilities.
  • Have vivid imagination.
  • Think of the future.
  • Don’t believe in an ultimate idea.
  • Never think anything impossible.

What is a creative person called?

A creative person can be referred to as an innovator, or a creator of new ideas.

What is another word for creative thinking?

fecundity, design, inventiveness, innovation, vision, ingeniousness, flight, ingenuity, cleverness, wizardry, imagination, conception, imaginativeness, genius, excogitation, fruitfulness, invention.

What is another name for artist?

other words for artist

  • artisan.
  • composer.
  • expert.
  • inventor.
  • painter.
  • authority.
  • virtuoso.
  • whiz.

How do you describe an artistic person?

An artistic personality type uses their hands and mind to create new things. They appreciate beauty, unstructured activities and variety. They enjoy interesting and unusual people, sights, textures and sounds. These individuals prefer to work in unstructured situations and use their creativity and imagination.

What are the 5 traits of a creative person?

These are among the five main traits of a creative person according to Munir and you might be surprised that you have all the five:

  • They are risk takers. Creative thinkers are risk takers.
  • They have the dare to fail attitude.
  • They are willing to be different.
  • They are impulsive, fickle and change their mind quite often.

How do you say someone is artistic?


  1. artistic.
  2. arty-crafty.
  3. cutesy.
  4. flaunting.
  5. pretentiously artistic.

What is the example of artistic?

The definition of artistic is something considered to be aesthetically satisfying that is creative or that requires a special art or craft skill. A sculpture that is displayed in a museum is an example of something that is artistic. Having or revealing creative skill.

What are artistic skills?

Artistic skills include abilities that enable you to operate in the fine-arts world. Fine art usually refers to works of art that are developed for aesthetics purposes. But the larger field of art and design may require abilities that enable you to create decorative or applied-art works.

How do you describe art in words?

Words for Art

  • absorbing.
  • abstract.
  • acclaimed.
  • accomplished.
  • adroit.
  • aesthetic.
  • aesthetically pleasing.
  • aggressive.

What are some descriptive words?

These are some other descriptive words you might find fun:

  • Beautiful.
  • Ugly.
  • Smart.
  • Clever.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Friendly.
  • Happy.
  • Sad.

What are the most beautiful words?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

  • 10 Serendipity (n.)
  • 9 Petrichor (n.)
  • 8 Supine (adj.)
  • 7 Solitude (n.)
  • 6 Aurora (n.)
  • 5 Idyllic (adj.)
  • 4 Clinomania (n.)
  • 3 Pluviophile (n.)

How do you compliment a painting?

Some Compliments That You Can Use Instead!

  1. You are such a great artist! [works every time!]
  2. I really love your art!
  3. Your art is so cool!
  4. Great job!
  5. You have put a lot of work into this piece and it has paid off!
  6. Congratulations!
  7. You are awesome!
  8. This art could step on me and I’d thank them for it.

How do you praise someone?

Complimenting the Whole Person

  1. I appreciate you.
  2. You are the most perfect you there is.
  3. You are enough.
  4. You’re all that and a super-size bag of chips.
  5. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re an 11.
  6. You’ve got all the right moves.
  7. Everything would be better if more people were like you.

How do you comment on a beautiful painting?

Lovely Comments on the Art Exhibition

  1. Brilliant! Very Much enjoyed the show. Hope you take it to other places for more people to see.
  2. What wonderful creativity – a joy to view! Too hard to select a favourite!
  3. “Found it difficult to leave the building once I saw this amazing art. Amazing, interesting and joyful. Thank you”
  4. This “Art” is fantastic!

How do you appreciate someone in words?

Other ways to say thank you in any occasion

  1. I appreciate what you did.
  2. Thank you for thinking of me.
  3. Thank you for your time today.
  4. I value and respect your opinion.
  5. I am so thankful for what you did.
  6. I wanted to take the time to thank you.
  7. I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  8. Your kind words warmed my heart.

How can I praise someone in English?

Basic formula of giving an English compliment

  1. Your + Noun + is/looks + Adjective. > Your dog is so cute! > Your backpack is really nice.
  2. This/That + is + Adjective + Noun. > That is a beautiful necklace. > This is such a cool car.
  3. I + like/love + Noun Phrase. > I really love your homemade chocolate cake. >

How do you express praise?

The following phrases are used to express praise….Twenty-five praising expressions:

  1. Amazing/excellent/great (work/effort)!
  2. Bravo!
  3. Brilliant!
  4. Cool!
  5. Fantastic!
  6. Hats off!
  7. He/she deserves a medal!
  8. I am impressed!

How do you praise food?

Beyond “Delicious”

  1. Tastes great! Eating something delicious right now?
  2. Really good! Here’s something else you could say instead of delicious.
  3. Wow, [this food] is amazing! If something tastes better than you expected, you could use the word wow to express your surprise.
  4. Yummy.
  5. Flavorful.
  6. Mouth-watering.

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