What are the 5 ranges of speaking and writing proficiency according to the Actfl?

What are the 5 ranges of speaking and writing proficiency according to the Actfl?

The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012—Writing describe five major levels of proficiency: Distinguished, Superior, Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice. The description of each major level is representative of a specific range of abilities.

Which foreign language organization publishes the language educator?


CAN DO language statements?

These Can-Do Statements describe the specific language tasks that learners are likely to perform at various levels of proficiency. Likewise, at the Superior level, the ability to support an opinion means that the learner can discuss complex issues at length by structuring arguments and developing hypotheses.

What are can do statements?

The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements are self-assessment. checklists used by language learners to assess what they “can. do” with language in the Interpersonal, Interpretive, and. Presentational modes of communication.

CAN DO statements for intercultural communication?

The Can-Do Statements for Intercultural Communication and the Reflection Tool for Learners are a set of benchmarks, indicators, examples, and scenarios that show how learners use the target language and knowledge of culture to demonstrate Intercultural Communicative Competence.

What are the 3 P’s of culture?

The 3 P’s of culture offer a more compressive way of analyzing cultural aspects. These stand for Products, practices, and perspectives.

Can do descriptors ESL?

These descriptors are designed to help classroom teachers understand what students at different levels of English proficiency should be able to do in a regular content area classroom. The tasks are separated into four domains: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

What are the five Wida ELD proficiency levels?

Each ELP standard addresses a specific context for language acquisition (Social and Instructional settings as well as Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies) and is divided into five grade level clusters: PreK-K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12.

Can do key uses?

The Key Uses represent four overarching communicative purposes- Recount, Explain, Argue, and Discuss (shown on left). Researchers have identified these purposes as integral to academic success.

What is sheltered instruction for English language learners?

Sheltered instruction is an approach to teaching English language learners which integrates language and content instruction. The dual goals of sheltered instruction are: to provide access to mainstream, grade-level content, and. to promote the development of English language proficiency.

What is the SIOP lesson plan?

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) SIOP is a research-based, instructional model that is highly effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners. The protocol provides a framework for teachers as they design and deliver lessons that make content comprehensible.

What are the SIOP strategies?

The SIOP Model includes the following eight components:

  • Lesson Preparation.
  • Interaction.
  • Building Background.
  • Practice and Application.
  • Comprehensible Input.
  • Lesson Delivery.
  • Strategies.
  • Review and Assessment.

Why is it called sheltered instruction?

In the days when the term was first used in connection with ELLs, students were considered “sheltered” because they studied in classes separate from “the mainstream” and did not compete academically with native English speaking students (Freeman & Freeman, 1988).

What does scaffolding mean in teaching?

Scaffolding is breaking up the learning into chunks and providing a tool, or structure, with each chunk. When scaffolding reading, for example, you might preview the text and discuss key vocabulary, or chunk the text and then read and discuss as you go.

What does sheltered mean?

adjective. protected or shielded from storms, missiles, etc., by a wall, roof, barrier, or the like. protected from the troubles, annoyances, sordidness, etc., encountered in competitive situations: a sheltered life.

What does sheltered mean in school?

content area teaching

What is a newcomer program?

Newcomer programs are programs designed for recent immigrants at the secondary school level who have little or no English proficiency, and limited or no formal education in their native countries. These programs have been developed to meet newcomers’ needs before they enter into general education classrooms.

What is differentiation in learning?

Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction.

What is the difference between SIOP and Sdaie?

SDAIE Background Info Integrate content and language instruction for students learning through a new language. SIOP model formulated through findings,research, and participation in a variety of schools since 1996. Provides support and assistance to students in the content area who’s primary language is not English.

What are Sdaie strategies?

SDAIE stands for Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English. (Other terms for SDAIE are: Structured English Immersion, Content-based ELD, and Sheltered Instruction.) SDAIE places special emphasis on various teaching strategies that provide contextual support for complex content area concepts and language.

Is sheltered English instruction effective?

4. Is sheltered instruction effective? Research conducted in 1997-98 and again in 1998-99 showed that English language learners in classes with teachers who had been trained in sheltered instruction under the SIOP model outperformed similar students in control classes (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2004).

What is the difference between structured English immersion and sheltered English instruction?

Sheltered English Instruction: An instructional approach used to make academic instruction in English understandable to ELL students. Structured English Immersion Program: The goal of this program is acquisition of English language skills so that the ELL student can succeed in an English-only mainstream classroom.

What are the three components of SEI models?

All SEI models are research-based and include three major components: policy, structure, and classroom practices.

What is the current term for ESL?

English as a second language

What is Ell mean?

English-language learners

What does an ELL teacher do?

ELL teachers are the language experts in the buildings where he/she serves. Teachers are expected to evaluate, instruct, and improve English proficiency as well as serve as resource to the school for English language concerns.

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