
What are the differences between Hamlet and Laertes?

What are the differences between Hamlet and Laertes?

What is the difference between Hamlet and Laertes? Both Hamlet and Laertesare impulsive characters, but Hamlet is more of a thinker while Laertes is more of a straightaway doer. Hamlet waits for the right time to come to seek vengeance while Laertes runs straightway with a sword to King Claudius.

What claim does Girard develop in this essay quizlet?

What claim does Girard develop in this essay? Girard develops the claim that Shakespeare had two motives for writing Hamlet– to “talk” about revenge and “denounce the revenge theater.” 2. Girard begins to develop that Shakespeare is trying to change and break the rules of revenge tragedy.

Why is Hamlet so willing to enter a fencing match with Laertes?

Hamlet is trying to make peace with Laertes when he accepts the invitiation to the contest with Laertes.

What is Girard’s claim?

Answer: Girard contends that Hamlet isn’t completely persuaded that Claudius has the right incredible, the person in question, his dad, might not have been totally irreproachable. Completing retribution would make Hamlet as blameworthy as Claudius.

What is ironic about Hamlet’s decision not to kill Claudius while Claudius is praying?

What is the irony of Hamlets decision while Claudius is at prayer? It is ironic because Hamlet thought that he could not kill him because he would be sent to heaven but Claudius says that his prayer didnt work. This means that Hamlet could have killed him but he is a coward.

What is the something portentous that Gertrude’s birth metaphor refers to in line 195?

The “something portentous” that is referred to in line 195 is something that is big and overdone, such as the entirety of the play itself– the dramatization of Hamlet’s revenge and how overdone the final scenes of the play were, even though Hamlet’s actual revenge was long, questionable, and most not of his own doing.

How does the reader know this ghost is not a hallucination?

How does the reader/audience know this ghost is not a hallucination? They reader/audience knows the ghost is not a hallucination because both characters are talking and responding from each other’s reactions.. More than one person sees it.

Is Hamlet asking the question in a personal or universal sense?

Is Hamlet asking the question in a personal or universal sense? Hamlet could be asking, is my life worth living or is life worth living in general? He is saying that it is the most important question of all.

What is the effect of Hamlet’s use of similes in this passage?

What is the effect of Hamlet’s use of similes in this passage? It creates a feeling of greatness by comparing humans to divine beings.

What does this soliloquy reveal about Hamlet’s character?

What does the soliloquy reveal about Hamlet’s character? He is afraid of the unknown. In his adaptation of Hamlet, Jonathan Price plays both Hamlet and the ghost.

Which is a metaphor Hamlet?

1 Answer. Direct metaphor is: “Denmark’s a prison.” Implied Metaphor is: In Act 1, Scene 5, Hamlet urges ghost to let him know quickly so that he could avenge upon his father’s murderer and thus acts as an avenging angel.

What is the effect of Hamlet’s use of similes in this passage it creates a feeling of greatness by comparing humans to divine beings?

The correct answer is “It creates a feeling of greatness by comparing humans to divine beings”. A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things.

Which statement best explains why Hamlet alludes?

Answer: The correct answer option is: The allusion highlights ideas that relate to the murder of King Hamlet. Explanation: Shakespeare alludes to the story of Pyrrhus and Priam throughout Act II, in Scene II of Hamlet since the allusion highlights ideas that relate to the murder of King Hamlet.

What is the effect of Hamlet’s use of metaphors in this excerpt quizlet?

What is the effect of Hamlet’s use of metaphors in this excerpt? It establishes that Hamlet suffers hardships.

What is being personified in this excerpt delight prosperity?

Answer: The element in act 2 of Hamlet that is being personified is prosperity.

What should audience members ask themselves?

In order to evaluate how an actor interprets a character it is important for the audience to ask themselves these three things:

  • Which words does the actor emphasize? (
  • What gestures and movements does the actor make? (
  • What emotions does the actor convey? (

Why does the author use the second person point of view in this excerpt?

Why does the author use the second-person point of view in this excerpt? The author wants to help the reader relate to the subject thoughtfully.

How is Grendel characterized in the passage?

He is confused, cautious, and easily upset. How is Grendel characterized in this passage? I was so filled with sorrow and tenderness I could hardly have found it in my heart to snatch a pig! Grendel is emotional and sensitive.

Which statement best describes how these themes interact in the tale?

Here is the answer. The statement that best describes how these themes interact in the tale is this: both gilgamesh and enkidu convincingly urge each other to endure through hardship.

Which is the best summary of the passage’s theme?

Which is the best summary of the passage’s theme? War leaves enduring scars.

What characteristic of an epic hero does the expert reveal?

Answer Expert Verified The characteristic of an epic hero that this excerpt reveals is connection to the supernatural.

What characteristics of an epic hero does Gilgamesh?

Gilgamesh shows that he is a courageous leader and a strong warrior. First, he encourages Enkidu to overcome his fear of the forest. Then, he is brave enough to defeat Humbaba, a fierce monster.

What characteristics does Gilgamesh display in this passage?

Answer: strong leadership skills. compelling and confident speech. courage in the face of danger.

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