What are the information security measures?

What are the information security measures?

Essential cyber security measures

  • Use strong passwords. Strong passwords are vital to good online security.
  • Control access.
  • Put up a firewall.
  • Use security software.
  • Update programs and systems regularly.
  • Monitor for intrusion.
  • Raise awareness.

What is information security the process of protecting?

“The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability.” (CNSS, 2010) “Information Security is the process of protecting the intellectual property of an organisation.”

What is meant by cyber security?

Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks. It aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks and technologies.

What are different types of attacks?

Denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack. Phishing and spear phishing attacks. Drive-by attack.

What is security attack and its types?

In computer networks and systems, security attacks are generally classified into two groups, namely active attacks and passive attacks. Passive attacks are used to obtain information from targeted computer networks and systems without affecting the systems.

What is passive and active attack?

Active and Passive Attacks are security attacks. In Active attack, an attacker tries to modify the content of the messages. Whereas in Passive attack, an attacker observes the messages, copy them and may use them for malicious purposes. In Passive Attack, information remain unchanged.

Is snooping a passive attack?

These attacks may be grouped into two complementary categories: active attacks, which involve an injection of traffic by the attacker, and passive attacks, based on spying on communications. For the attack to be useful, the traffic must not be encrypted.

Which of the following is passive attacks?

Internet security threats/vulnerabilities are divided into passive and active attacks. Examples of passive attacks include network analysis, eavesdropping and traffic analysis.

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