What are the other names of tiger in Kannada?
- ಹುಲಿ
- ವ್ಯಾಘ್ರ
What does Huli mean in Kannada?
♪ huli. extra or additional quantity of grains or corns given or to be given at regular intervals, to a person for the use of grains or corns taken on loan.
What is another name for tiger?
Find another word for tiger. In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tiger, like: tigress, lynx, panthera-tigris, cat, ghoul, feline, jaguar, leopard, lion, tiger cat and beast.
What is Tharippu in English?
Noun Cramp Numbness Paralysis Spasm Tingle.
Is Frigidness a word?
Extreme lack of warmth: frigidity, frostiness, gelidity, gelidness, iciness, wintriness.
What does Torpidity mean?
What does Tipid mean?
1 : moderately warm : lukewarm a tepid bath. 2a : lacking in passion, force, or zest tepid poetry. b : marked by an absence of enthusiasm or conviction a tepid interest a tepid response.
Is Torpidity a word?
A deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity: dullness, hebetude, languidness, languor, lassitude, leadenness, lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, stupor, torpor.
Is direly a word?
Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences; calamitous: a dire economic forecast; dire threats. 2. Urgent; desperate: in dire need; dire poverty. [Latin dīrus, fearsome, terrible; akin to Greek deinos.]
What does the word Argonaut mean?
1a capitalized : any of a band of heroes sailing with Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece. b : an adventurer engaged in a quest. 2 : paper nautilus.
What is dire in French?
The French verb ‘dire’ means ‘to say’ or ‘to tell’ in English. We’ll look at a common situation where you might hear it, view the conjugation, and learn a few sentences with the verb.
What is the definition of steerage?
1 : the act or practice of steering broadly : direction. 2 [from its originally being located near the rudder] : a section of inferior accommodations in a passenger ship for passengers paying the lowest fares.
What was steerage like for immigrants?
Many immigrants sailed to America or back to their homelands in packet ships, vessels that carried mail, cargo, and people. Conditions varied from ship to ship, but steerage was normally crowded, dark, and damp. Limited sanitation and stormy seas often combined to make it dirty and foul-smelling, too.
How did most immigrants travel to America?
Immigrants entered the United States through several ports. Those from Europe generally came through East Coast facilities, while those from Asia generally entered through West Coast centers. Many immigrants wanted to move to communities established by previous settlers from their homelands.
Who were first immigrants to America?
Immigration in the Colonial Era By the 1500s, the first Europeans, led by the Spanish and French, had begun establishing settlements in what would become the United States. In 1607, the English founded their first permanent settlement in present-day America at Jamestown in the Virginia Colony.