What are the two broad categories of leadership behaviors that leaders exhibit?

What are the two broad categories of leadership behaviors that leaders exhibit?

This research stream led to the discovery of two broad categories of behaviors: task-oriented behaviors (sometimes called initiating structure) and people-oriented behaviors (also called consideration).

What should leaders first assess in order to apply the situational leadership model?

What should leaders first assess in order to apply the situational leadership model? A. The level of task and relationship behavior that will likely produce successful outcomes.

What are the situational factors considered by the Path-goal theory?

Fiedler’sContingency Theory concentrates on three situational factors (task structure, quality of leader-member relations, power inherent in the leader’s position) that affect the leader’s ability to influence followers depending on whether the leader prefers a task-oriented or a people-oriented leadership style.

What is the unique feature of Path-goal theory compared to other contingency?

Path theories stress clarification, motivation and charisma. One of the main differences between the two approaches is that path theories emphasize the personality of the leader, while contingency theories stress the nature of surrounding circumstances.

Which leadership theory is best?

As we mentioned above, transformational leadership is often the best leadership style to use in business. Transformational leaders show integrity, and they know how to develop a robust and inspiring vision of the future.

How do you describe a strong leader?

A successful leader is an optimistic leader. A leader who fosters respect is a leader worth following—they are willing to give their all for the people they’re leading and the cause they’re working for. A successful leader is a virtuous leader. Their integrity, honesty and character are reflected in everything they do.

What personality type is a leader?

A Commander (ENTJ) is someone with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. They are decisive people who love momentum and accomplishment.

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