What can you contribute to this company answer?

What can you contribute to this company answer?

In order to answer this question in the most meaningful way, consider the following approach:

  • Provide concrete examples from your past.
  • Discuss your skills.
  • Demonstrate how your skills fit with this specific company.
  • Support your answers with data.

What is your contribution to the company best answer sample?

Sample Answers • I’m a hard worker with the experience to get things done efficiently. I can contribute my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a group. I am experienced in the areas this company needs to grow, and my ability to plan ahead will help facilitate that growth.

What are examples of contributions?

The definition of a contribution is something that you give or something that you do that helps in achieving an end result. An example of a contribution is when you donate $10 to charity. An example of a contribution is when you come up with a great idea that helps to create a cool finished product.

What can you contribute to the team?

Examples of qualities that you could bring to the job include:

  • Determination.
  • Friendliness.
  • Flexibility.
  • Dependability.
  • Honesty.
  • Sincerity.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Reasonable.

What made you want to apply for this position?

Candidates who are applying for the position because they have bills to pay and just need a job aren’t likely to compete well with those who really want the job because they believe in the mission of the company, appreciate the company’s work, know that their skills will be super beneficial to the company or another …

What attracts you to this company?

Show That You Researched the Company: You reply must demonstrate that you are serious enough about the job to have researched the company to the point that you feel like you are compatible. (Statements such as “The company is great” are generic.) These facts should be part of what attracted you to work for the company.

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