What class should I make Vaan?
The Shikari class is a natural fit for Vaan. Aside from his speed, this class also gives him access to some very powerful daggers and ninja swords even early into the game. Because of this, a Shikari Vaan makes some very nasty early battles easier.
What job should Vaan be?
Vaan – A general all-rounder, but highish HP takes him towards tankier Jobs like the Bushi, Shikari, Uhlan, Knight and Foebreaker. Ashe – High Magic Power (MP), making her suited to the mage Jobs.
Are guns good in ff12?
Guns are special. Unlike all other weapons, their damage does not vary with stats AT ALL – either enemy or your own. Since they do not scale with stats, even a low level character will do devastating damage with them, often oneshotting all regular enemies and 2-3 shotting bosses.
What is the strongest weapon in ff12 Zodiac age?
While the Zodiac Spear remains the absolute best weapon in the game, the new weapon set, dubbed the FINAL FANTASY weapon set in the International Zodiac Job System, is amazing.
How do I get the best gun in ff12?
In the Zodiac versions, Fomalhaut is obtained from Henne Mines (Phase 2 Dig) as a guaranteed yield as long as the player claims the treasure. It is also available from Cerobi Steppe (Feddik River) with the Diamond Armlet, but getting it is rare, and as an uncommon steal from Elza in Trial Mode Stage 86.
How do you get the super sword of light?
Drustan’s Labyrinth has multiple trials you must overcome, and when you beat a boss under a certain number of actions, he will grant you one wish. From the options available, choose “I wish I had a super powerful weapon!” and you’ll receive the recipe for the Supreme Sword of Light.
What do you wish from drustan?
Following your victory, Drustan will provide you with a wish from five choices, the wishes are as follows:
- Super Powerful Weapon!
- Enter a top-level horse race!
- A copy of Oogler’s Digest!
- Gemma and I were married!
- Change Serena’s hairstyle!
Can you get all of Drustans wishes?
User Info: ZodiacSoldier. For that trial there are 5 bosses, if you did all 3 trials (you will have to repeat them for the last 2 wishes). If you got all the wishes, you are pretty much done there, but you can re-fight the bosses and there are items that you can farm in there for crafting.
Can you get all wishes dq11?
You can get all 5 wishes ultimately. There are 3 trials, but 5 wishes. The bosses the 4th and 5th time aren’t the same as previous times, though. They are new and different.
Who can you marry in dq11?
For a list of who you can marry:
- Gemma.
- Jade.
- Rab.
- Erik.
- Hendrik.
- Serena.
- Veronica.
- Sylvando.