What conclusion was reached as a result of the work of Chase and Hershey?

What conclusion was reached as a result of the work of Chase and Hershey?

Hershey and Chase observed that phage DNA was injected into the bacterial cells while phage proteins were not. They concluded that DNA is the genetic material. This simple experiment had a powerful conclusion that helped us along the path to our current understanding of DNA, genetics, and heredity.

How did Hershey and Chase contribution to DNA?

Hershey and Chase were able to separate the phages into radioactive sulfur-containing protein ghosts and radioactive phosphorus-containing DNA. They found that the radioactive sulfur protein ghosts could attach to bacterial membranes while the radioactive phosphorus DNA could not.

Which are the types of reverse mutation?

reverse mutation

  • Hox gene.
  • homoeotic gene.
  • major gene.
  • gene silencing.
  • jumping gene.
  • split gene.
  • gene substitution.
  • Hox genes.

What is the difference between a forward mutation and a reverse mutation?

A forward mutation is a mutation that changes wild type allele to a detrimental allele. In contrast, reverse mutation changes the already changed allele (mutant) to a wild type allele, reversing the forward mutation.

What is spontaneous mutation?

A ‘naturally’ occurring mutation in the absence of a mutagen that would otherwise be a known factor for inducing a particular mutation.

What is the difference between spontaneous and induced mutation?

Spontaneous mutations are the type of heritable changes in the structure of DNA, occurring due to natural factors. Induced mutations occur due to the incorporation of base analogs, base mispairing, and base damage produced due to mutagens.

What causes random mutation?

Mutations arise spontaneously at low frequency owing to the chemical instability of purine and pyrimidine bases and to errors during DNA replication. Natural exposure of an organism to certain environmental factors, such as ultraviolet light and chemical carcinogens (e.g., aflatoxin B1), also can cause mutations.

Is mutation a random process?

The statement that mutations are random is both profoundly true and profoundly untrue at the same time. In other words, mutations occur randomly with respect to whether their effects are useful. Thus, beneficial DNA changes do not happen more often simply because an organism could benefit from them.

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