What did James Madison believe in government?

What did James Madison believe in government?

He felt the government should be set up with a system of checks and balances so no branch had greater power over the other. Madison also suggested that governors and judges have enhanced roles in government in order to help manage the state legislatures.

What did Brutus 1 argue for?

Brutus argues that a free republic cannot exist in such a large territory as the United States. He uses the examples of the Greek and Roman republics that became tyrannical as their territory grew. He states that a true free republic comes from the people, not representatives of the people.

What did Thomas Jefferson say about militias?

“For a people who are free and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.” –Thomas Jefferson: 8th Annual Message, 1808. An armed militia was the means by which a free people assured their security.

What were Thomas Jefferson’s accomplishments?

As the third president of the United States, Jefferson stabilized the U.S. economy and defeated pirates from North Africa during the Barbary War. He was responsible for doubling the size of the United States by successfully brokering the Louisiana Purchase. He also founded the University of Virginia.

What did George Washington think of the militias?

In his letter, Washington wrote, “I am wearied to death all day with a variety of perplexing circumstances, disturbed at the conduct of the militia, whose behavior and want of discipline has done great injury to the other troops, who never had officers, except in a few instances, worth the bread they eat.” Washington …

What do you believe was the most important factor in Washington’s victory?

Washington’s charisma and boldness, even in the face of numerous military defeats, helped lead the Americans to victory. Washington’s understanding that victory required the Americans to fight a defensive war enabled him to avoid direct and fruitless combat with the larger and more powerful British armies.

Which army is known as the best equipped and most powerful in the world?

In what shouldn’t be a surprise, the U.S. “retains its top spot as the undisputed military power in the world,” Global Firepower says. America has more air units than any other country on Earth, with 2,085 fighters, 967 attack helicopters, 945 transports and 742 special mission aircraft.

Was George Washington a great general?

Washington proved to be a better general than military strategist. His strength lay not in his genius on the battlefield but in his ability to keep the struggling colonial army together. His troops were poorly trained and lacked food, ammunition and other supplies (soldiers sometimes even went without shoes in winter).

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