What did the Boule do?

What did the Boule do?

The Boule. The boule was a group of 500 men, 50 from each of ten Athenian tribes, who served on the Council for one year. Unlike the ekklesia, the boule met every day and did most of the hands-on work of governance. It supervised government workers and was in charge of things like navy ships (triremes) and army horses.

What were some of the decisions made by the assembly ancient Athens?

The assembly was responsible for declaring war, military strategy and electing the strategoi and other officials. It was responsible for nominating and electing magistrates (árchontes), thus indirectly electing the members of the Areopagus.

What was the relationship between rights and responsibilities in ancient Athens?

All Athenian citizens had the right to vote in the Assembly, debate, own land and own slaves. All Athenian citizens were expected to have military training, be educated, pay their taxes and serve Athens in times of war. Any citizen over the age of thirty whose name is drawn for the Boule must comply.

What was the assembly in ancient Athens?

The Assembly (ἐκκλησία) was the regular opportunity for all male citizens of Athens to speak their minds and exercise their votes regarding the government of their city. It was the most central and most definitive institution of the Athenian Democracy.

What was a Greek assembly made of?

There was two types of democracy in Ancient Athens: Assembly & Council. The Assembly was made of male citizens, which made the laws of the land. They attended most meetings about making new laws. The Assembly could exile unpopular or dishonest leaders.

What does Ecclesia mean in Greek?

Ecclesia, Greek Ekklēsia, (“gathering of those summoned”), in ancient Greece, assembly of citizens in a city-state. Its roots lay in the Homeric agora, the meeting of the people. The Athenian Ecclesia, for which exists the most detailed record, was already functioning in Draco’s day (c.

Is Christianity an Ecclesia?

Most religions transition through different organizational phases. For example, Christianity began as a cult, transformed into a sect, and today exists as an ecclesia. The term cult is sometimes used interchangeably with the term new religious movement (NRM).

Does Ekklesia mean called out ones?

Ekklesia, being derived from the verb ek-kaleo, “to call out or forth,” has often been interpreted as an exclusive term, connecting its etymological meaning with the Biblical doctrine that Christians are those “called out of the world by God.”[[12 This doctrine is substantiated apart from etymology by such passages as: …

What does archias do for a living?

Archias was a high-class pottery painter and participates in city affairs.

Which of the following Greek historians did not write about ancient Sparta?

Answers. Herodotus. Herodotus is the most famous ancient Greek historian also known by most scolars as “The Father of History”.

Are there still Spartans today?

But today there is still a town called Sparta in Greece in the very same spot as the ancient city. So, in a way, Spartans still exist, although these days they tend to be a little less strict and certainly not as good at fighting with spears and shields as the ancients.

Who was stronger Spartans or Romans?

Romans had 25 years of training while spartan agoge was 16 years. However, Spartans arguable trained harder than romans. That being said, an equally sized cohort of legionaries would probably defeat equally sized spartans.

Did all the Spartan 3s die?

All of the three-hundred Spartans deployed on the mission were supposedly killed. The only fire team mentioned for Alpha Company is Team Wolf Pack.

Are Spartan 3s stronger than Spartan 4s?

Spartan 3s were a fair deal less powerful than the Spartan 2s, but the were able to be produced much easier. Spartan 4s were quite weak in comparison to the other spartans, but they are much easier to mass produce.

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