What did the Spanish do with the silver and gold they extracted from the Americas?

What did the Spanish do with the silver and gold they extracted from the Americas?

These were stolen from the Incas and the mines that the Spanish came to control. The gold was used by the Spanish monarchy to pay off its debts and also to fund its ‘religious’ wars.

Where did Spain find gold and silver in the New World?

The Spanish worked alluvial gold deposits in the Caribbean, Mexico, and the Andes (especially in New Granada). Spanish settlers located all the main silver-bearing zones of Latin America in the sixteenth century. Some deposits of silver ore had been known to the native cultures.

What did the Spanish bring to the New World?

Crops the conquistadors brought include sugarcane, rice and wheat. When Cortes arrived in Mexico in 1519, he had 16 horses. These horses were the first to step foot on the American continents, according to the University of North Carolina.

Does Spain have any colonies left?

Although Spain abandoned its major African colonies (Equatorial Guinea and the Western Sahara), it still retains five plazas de soberanía (places of sovereignty) off the African coastline. The two main ones are Ceuta and Melilla, which are coastal territories connected to Morocco.

When was Spain at its peak?

Lasting nearly five centuries, The Spanish Empire was, at its peak during the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, the world’s most prominent global power, earning the nickname ‘The empire on which the sun never sets’.

Why do we say Spain instead of Espana?

Spain is call España, which comes from the latin word Hispania. The Romans decide to call this country Hispania (wich means land of rabbits) because there was many rabbits. The word change over the years to España (Spain in english).

What is Spain’s biggest export?

Spain’s Top Exports

  • Refined petroleum – $13.3 billion.
  • Pig meat – $4.05 billion.
  • Pure olive oil – $3.68 billion.
  • Citrus – $3.67 billion.
  • Copper ore – $2.23 billion.

What is proper Spanish called?

Castilian Spanish

Which country speaks the purest Spanish?


What is the most neutral Spanish?


What is the most standard Spanish?

standard Latin American

What is the closest Spanish speaking country to the US?


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