What do customer service associates do at Home Depot?

What do customer service associates do at Home Depot?

We stock and organize shelves, help clients make decisions, connect them to the right departments to get adequate and excellent help, talk to them about differences and knowledge of the products we order, special order items that can be special ordered, and quite a bit more.

How do I survive a 10-hour work day?

How to Survive a 10-Hour Workday

  1. Bring humor into your day. One important way to survive your day is to revive your sense of humour.
  2. Treat your job like a gym.
  3. Make a dream goal board.
  4. Indulge in your passions.
  5. Balance your personal life.

How do you survive a 10-hour shift on your feet?

Actions to Take at Work

  1. Choose the Best Work Boots for Standing All Day.
  2. Use Proper Posture Throughout the Day.
  3. Change Your Standing Position Now and Then.
  4. Do “The Water Bottle Roll”
  5. Lie Down and Elevate Your Feet.
  6. Engage in Some Stretches.

Is it better to work 5 8 hour days or 4 10-hour days?

The math is simple: working five eight-hour shifts is equivalent to working four 10-hour shifts. The risk is 61 percent higher for people in “overtime” shifts. Working more than 60 hours in a week is related to an additional injury risk of 23 percent.

Should I work 4 days a week?

Allowing employees to work four days a week can help increase productivity. Employees who work fewer hours per week tend to be more productive compared to their overworked counterparts. For better results, it is better to compress, rather than extend employees’ work hours when implementing a four-day workweek.

How do I ask my boss to work 4 days a week?

How to Pitch a 4-Day Workweek to Your Boss

  1. Think about who else the change would affect.
  2. Make your pitch clear, detailed, and empathetic.
  3. Decide if you’re comfortable taking a pay cut.
  4. Make the transition as smooth as possible.
  5. Set boundaries and avoid the temptation to work.
  6. Make the most of your day off.

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