What do humpbacks whales eat?

What do humpbacks whales eat?

Humpback whales feed on shrimp-like crustaceans (krill) and small fish, straining huge volumes of ocean water through their baleen plates, which act like a sieve.

What kind of fish do whales eat?

Fin whales eat a variety of schooling fish, crustaceans, and squids. Blue whales mostly eat krill. Humpback whales eat mackerel, krill, schooling fish, anchovies, and sardines.

Do baleen whales eat fish?

Baleen whales feed by filtering or straining food from the water. They love to eat krill, fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, and algae.

What do cetaceans eat?

Diet. All cetaceans are carnivores and do not consume plants or algae as food. The large baleen whales eat schooling organisms that range in length from minute drifting mollusks, copepods (1 cm or less), krill (1–5 cm), and small fish and squid up to about 40 cm.

What is spy hopping and why is it done?

Spyhopping is a behavior exhibited by cetaceans, such as the gray whale above, and some sharks. When an animal spyhops, it vertically pokes its head out of the water. Most oceanographers say spyhopping simply lets the animals get a better view of activity near the water’s surface.

Why do blue whales jump out of the water?

It is an unusual behavior to carry out due to the high-energy demand it requires. For example, a full Humpback breach requires the whale to break through the water’s surface at its top speed of 28km/h. The simplest explanation for a whale jumping out of the water appears to be sociality or alertness.

What is it called when a whale comes up for air?

Blow: a cloud or column of moist air forcefully expelled through the blowhole when the whale surfaces to breath. For some species of whale this can be seen from many kilometers away. It is also sometimes referred to as a spout- which gives the mistaken impression that it is predominantly expelled water.

What animal has the smelliest poop?

Badgers have stinky poo.

How do you poop in the toilet?

sitting with your knees higher than your hips (use a foot stool or other flat, stable object if necessary) lean forward and put your elbows on your knees. relax and bulge out your stomach.

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