What does Ellie symbolize in Where Are You Going Where have you been?

What does Ellie symbolize in Where Are You Going Where have you been?

In her 1990 journal article published in Studies in Short Fiction entitled “The Shadow of a Satyr in Oates’s ‘Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” literary critic Joan Easterly posits that the name “Ellie Oscar is a parody of the name of the Greek god of mercy, Elios.” This is a highly defensible theory of the …

What is the significance of the expression man the flying saucers on Arnold friend’s car?

She complains that the color of the car is so bright that it hurts her eyes, and she is puzzled by the phrase “Man the flying saucers” on the front fender, which was an expression that her peers used to use but that has fallen out of fashion.

Why is Connie suspicious about Arnold Friend?

What causes Connie to become suspicious about Arnold Friend in “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” From the start Connie is unsure about Arnold Friend. However, she is intrigued by him and finds him interesting. He dresses like other teenage boys, and Connie likes his jeans, boots, and T-shirt.

Where Are You Going Where have you been what do the numbers mean?

” (New Living Translation Judges 19:17), which closely related to the title “where are you going, where have you been?” As far as Arnold Friend being a rapist and killer, the numbers could also represent thirty-three being his age, and nineteen and seventeen being the ages of his victims.

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been serial killer?

According to Oates, the story was inspired by a Life magazine story about the serial killer Charles Schmid, who, like the story’s villain, was an older man who preyed on adolescent girls.

What is the theme of Where Are You Going Where have you been?

The main themes of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” are appearance versus reality, the embodiment of evil, and self-sacrifice. Appearance vs. reality: Both Connie and Arnold have two-sided natures, presenting an appealing self when necessary and withholding another.

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been style?

Straightforward, Imagistic. The style of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is somewhat journalistic in the sense that there are few excessive stylistic flourishes or cumbersome sentence structures.

Is Where Are You Going Where have you been an allegory?

“[The] story is clearly an allegory of the fatal attractions of death (or the devil),” Oates explains. “An innocent young girl is seduced by way of her own vanity; she mistakes death for erotic romance of a particularly American/trashy sort” (source).

Where Are You Going Where have you been irony?

The dramatic irony of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” conveys the tone of warning about temptation. Connie’s situation is that she does not feel appreciated at home and uses her looks and actions to get attention and appreciation from boys even if it is short-term.

Where Are You Going Where Have You Been tone and mood?

Tone and Mood “Where Are You Going; Where Have You Been” considers Connie’s teenage world and tragic situation very seriously. As Arnold Friend’s intentions become clearer, the story’s mood, initially somewhat journalistic, becomes decidedly unsettling and surreal.

What is the situational irony?

Situational Irony occurs when actions or events have the opposite result from what is expected or what is intended.

What are 3 dramatic irony examples?

Dramatic Irony Examples

  • Girl in a horror film hides in a closet where the killer just went (the audience knows the killer is there, but she does not).
  • In Romeo and Juliet, the audience knows that Juliet is only asleep-not dead-but Romeo does not, and he kills himself.

Can irony be a mood?

Mood is the feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader. The writer’s use of connotations, figurative language, imagery, and descriptive details contribute to the mood.

Why are Romeo’s last words ironic?

Why are Romeo’s last words also ironic? We know that Juliet is faking her death. The irony that Romeo gave was that she was not dead but he thinks that she is dead but she is not. They are so ironic because he had a dream that he was going to kiss her and she will wake but he dies.

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