What does GED stand for in college?

What does GED stand for in college?

General Educational Development Test

Is GED math test hard?

The GED, or General Education Development test, is a high school equivalency exam. Of the four subject tests, math is generally the most difficult, and the one that students most frequently fail. Fortunately, you only need to retake subject tests that you don’t pass.

Can a GED get you into college?

Yes, you can! There are many, many colleges you can apply to. In fact, 98% of colleges accept applicants with a GED. Once you get in, you can earn your degree and progress towards a great career….

What jobs can you get with just a GED?

Jobs You Can Get with a GED

  • Administrative assistants or secretaries.
  • Bill collectors.
  • Customer service representatives.
  • Financial clerks.
  • Information clerks.
  • Receptionists.
  • Tellers.

Can you be a doctor with a GED?

The GED degree is equivalent to a common high school diploma so it allows you to enroll in credit-bearing college coursework. So yes, in that sense, if you would like to be a doctor, the GED® diploma will get you there, but it will take some perseverance on your behalf….

What is the minimum score for GED?


Can I go to college without a GED or high school diploma?

Many colleges accept students who have completed a GED in lieu of a high school diploma. Schools with “open enrollment” require applicants have one or the other, while many adult education programs don’t list high school diplomas as an admission requirement….

What is the easiest subject on the GED test?

What is the easiest GED test? Reasoning Through Language Arts is the easiest of all four GED test subjects. It requires only reading excerpts, showing understanding, drawing conclusions, and writing clearly.

Do you need a highschool diploma to get financial aid?

In order to qualify for financial aid for college, you must have a high school diploma, GED or associate’s degree. You may be able to receive financial aid for college under the Ability to Benefit (ATB) act.

Can you get a student loan without a GED?

In the world of federal student loans, the government makes the rules. So you might not need a diploma or GED to get into school and borrow loans, but that doesn’t mean your school and preferred lender will be willing to work together….

Can I go back and get my high school diploma?

It’s never too late to go back to school for your high school diploma. With Achieve Virtual Academy’s online high school, adults of all ages and academic backgrounds can take advantage of our convenient and self-paced program to earn their diploma.

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