What does Johnny think caused the fire?

What does Johnny think caused the fire?

Ponyboy thinks he and Johnny must have started the fire with a cigarette butt, so the boys jump out of the car to examine the blaze. Johnny pushes Ponyboy out of the window, and then Ponyboy hears Johnny scream. Ponyboy starts to go back in for Johnny, but Dally clubs him across the back and knocks him out.

What happened to Johnny ponyboy and dally because of the fire?

What happened to Johnny, Ponyboy, and Dally because of the fire? Johnny was burned badly and his back was broken. Dally burned him arm. Ponyboy felt that everything was going to be okay now.

Why does Johnny and ponyboy feel responsible for the fire?

A man standing outside the burning building quickly explains the situation to the boys, and Pony immediately takes the blame for starting the church fire. Pony tells Johnny that they must have dropped a lit cigarette or something which caused the old church to ignite.

What do ponyboy and Johnny lose in the fire?

A burning piece of wood fell on his back, probably breaking it, and his burns are very bad. Now Jerry tells Pony that he and his friends are heroes, that they are “the bravest kids [he’s] seen in a long time” (6.72).

Which Greaser is the toughest wildest and most dangerous?

One of the most dangerous greasers introduced is Dallas Winston, also known as Dally. Dally is considered one of the most notorious and dangerous greasers because of his past. He is known for his cold demeanor, his eyes being described as “blue, blazing ice, cold with a hatred of the whole world” (Hinton 10).

Is ponyboy is closer to Darry than sodapop?

Ponyboy finds it easier to talk to Darry than Sodapop. Cherry, Marcia, Bob, Randy, Johnny, Two-Bit, and Ponyboy go to the same school. Greasers usually start most of the fights with the Socs. Darry turned down a college scholarship so the Curtis brothers could stay together.

Which greaser is known as the gang’s pet *?

Johnny Cade

Is Johnny Cade innocent?

The verdict is in. Johnny Cade is guilty of manslaughter in the death of Bob Sheldon. The accused and main character in the S. E. Hinton novel The Outsiders was sent up the river for four years to Collins Bay Penitentiary Thursday during a mock trial at Gananoque Secondary School (GSS).

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