What does Odysseus learn about his mother in the land of the dead?

What does Odysseus learn about his mother in the land of the dead?

Odysseus’ own mother, who died of grief and longing for him, is allowed to approach only after his audience with the seer. Until seeing her among the dead, Odysseus was unaware of his mother’s death. She tells him of his father, Laertes, who still lives but similarly grieves and has lost his will.

What does Odysseus mother tell him in the underworld?

In Book XI of the Odyssey, Odysseus makes a trip to the underworld to seek the advice of the dead prophet Tiresias. In the underworld, he encounters many spirits, including that of his mother, Anticlea. She tells him that she died of grief, longing for him while he was at war.

What is the name of Odysseus’s mother and how did she die?


What must Odysseus do to summon the dead?

Select all that apply. 1)chant a spell that Circe gives him 2)sprinkle barley on a trench filled with milk, honey, wine, and water 3)promise to slaughter a barren heifer in Ithaca 4)promise to slaughter his best ram for Tiresias 5)pour libations to honor Hades and Persephone.

How does Elpenor die?

While Odysseus was staying on Aeaea, Circe’s island, Elpenor became drunk and climbed onto the roof of Circe’s palace to sleep. The next morning, waking upon hearing his comrades making preparations to travel to Hades, he forgot he was on the roof and fell, breaking his neck, and died in the act.

What age did Odysseus die?

I would loosely estimate that Odysseus was 45–50 years old upon his return. There isn’t much said about Odysseus’ pre-Trojan War deeds that can date him — he is only notable for his role in negotiating the pact among Helen’s suitors and his feigned madness to stay out of the war.

Why did Athena kill Telegonus?

A prophecy foretells that Odysseus will be killed by his son and Athena gets involved, trying to kill Telegonus before he can do any harm. Circe tries to hide him from the goddess as best as he can but he wishes to leave and find his father.

Why was Circe jealous of Scylla?

Since Scylla was accustomed to bathe in the sea, Circe, daughter of Sol, out of jealousy poisoned the water with drugs, and when Scylla went down into it, dogs sprang from her thighs, and she was made a monster.

Who did Circe curse?


Why did the witch Circe turn her into a hideous monster?

The sea god Glaucus fell in love with Scylla, and when he requested the witch Circe to cast a love spell on Scylla, Circe became jealous. The water god Poseidon was angry at Scylla and turned her into a hideous monster.

Who are the parents of Scylla?


Who is the mother of Scylla?


Is Scylla a hydra?

Our ninth stop is Scylla and Charybdis, otherwise known as the island of Hydra. Hydra is a island on the north eastern side of Greece. He could either sail near Charybdis, who would eat all of them and destroy his ship, or he could sail through Scylla, the six headed monster, who would eat six men and leave them alone.

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