What episode does Stewie meet Leonardo da Vinci?

What episode does Stewie meet Leonardo da Vinci?

Stewie and Brian go back in time to stop Bertram from killing Leonardo da Vinci. Stewie and Brian go back in time to stop Bertram from killing Leonardo da Vinci.

How is Bertram Stewie’s brother?

Bertram has appeared in “Emission Impossible”, “Sibling Rivalry” and in “The Big Bang Theory”, serving as the main antagonist of all three episodes. He is Stewie Griffin’s half-brother and arch-nemesis. He was voiced by Wallace Shawn, who also portrayed Vizzini in The Princess Bride, Dr.

Who voices Stewie’s brother?

Bertram is voiced by Wallace Shawn.

What episode does Louis gain weight?

Sibling Rivalry

Why did Lois get fat?

Peter feeds Lois copious amounts of food to make her even fatter. Lois admits that eating is not a good way to solve problems, and Peter states he loves her no matter her size, but is later caught kissing the fat in a storage closet.

What happened to Evil Stewie?

At the end of the episode, Brian is tied to a pole, luring in Evil Stewie to kill him, just in time for Stewie to catch him. The two engage in combat, with both their clothes removed, leading Brian to choose which one of them to shoot. Brian comes up with a simple solution, and Evil Stewie is killed.

Has Peter Griffin killed anyone?

He once beat up a kid at Chris’ school and even killed another one he believed to be a bully (but murdered the wrong kid instead). Peter also appeared to kill a young child to take a jet ski for a short ride and crushed two children to death by falling through the roof of their home as he tried to be Mary Poppins.

Why did Stewie hate Lois?

1 Answer. He sees Lois as his bigger threat as she brought him into the world but gets really frustrated because he still needs her to take care of him even though he sees that as an insult. Plus, what I’ve said in the comments: She has impeded his progress ever since he emerged from her wretched womb.

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