What happens to Mr Clemens in born worker?
While inspecting José’s work, Mr. Clemens, the homeowner, falls and injures himself.
What are some differences between Arnie and Jose in born worker?
José and Arnie are two very different people. José is a young boy who is very hard working. Arnie on the other hand is extremely lazy and he lies a lot. These are two cousins made different choices.
What character traits does Tom Sawyer admired most Why?
One of his most noticeable character traits is that he is adventurous. I think this trait is the most noticeable trait because he has a lot of adventures. His adventures may be mischievous, brave, or just plain old funny. In his adventures he mostly exemplified adventurousness.
Is Tom Sawyer a good person?
The novel’s protagonist. Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience.
How old is Jim in Tom Sawyer?
What happens to Becky in Tom Sawyer?
Becky Thatcher She wins Tom’s love from the first moment he sees her. When she first encounters Tom, she gives him a purple pansy to show her love. She soon becomes engaged to him by swearing to love only him and sealing their engagement with a kiss.
Does Becky marry Tom Sawyer?
Yes, she was Tom’s childhood sweetheart, but the true story of their love, and the dark secret that tore it apart, never made it into Twain’s novel. Now married to Tom’s cousin Sid Hopkins, Becky has children of her own to protect while the men of Missouri are off fighting their “un-Civil” War.
How did Injun Joe die?
In revenge, he tries to kill Tom, and chases him through a cave until Huck Finn arrives to save his friend, and faces Injun Joe in a duel, but he knocks Huck down. But he then falls to his death in a chasm of the cave.
Who does Injun Joe want to hurt?
Injun Joe wants to exact revenge on the Widow Douglas because her husband is dead and no longer available for Injun Joe to exact his revenge on. Widow Douglas is the next best option.