What inference can you make about the kind of King Malcolm will be?

What inference can you make about the kind of King Malcolm will be?

Answer: It is possible to make an inference about Malcolm’s character as king. He will be a highly intelligent king.

What inference can you make about the kind of person Macbeth is?

Macbeth’s hesitation about killing King Duncan allows us to infer that he begins the play as a relatively upright, loyal, and good man.

What can you recall about Malcolm and Macduff?

In a sense, both Malcolm and Macduff share this virtue—the love they hold for Scotland unites them in opposition to Macbeth, and grants their attempt to seize power a moral legitimacy that Macbeth’s lacked. Macduff and Malcolm are allies, but Macduff also serves as a teacher to Malcolm.

What is Malcolm’s report?

Malcolm’s report of the execution of the disloyal Thane of Cawdor emphasizes the dignity with which even a traitor can go to his death, but Duncan’s reply is even more ironic.

What does Menteith report?

Menteith says of Malcolm and Macduff, “Revenges burn in them; for their dear causes / Would to the bleeding and the grim alarm / Excite the mortified man” (5.2. 3-5). Their “dear causes” are their motivations — Macbeth’s murder of Malcolm’s father and of Macduff’s wife and children.

Does Banquo’s son become king?

It can be assumed that Banquo’s son, Fleance, eventually becomes king. When Macbeth sends a group of murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance, Fleance escapes, and the murderers only complete half their task, leaving an open path for Banquo’s line to inherit the throne.

Where is Duncan killed?

castle Inverness

How does Duncan die?

Macbeth stabs Duncan. He comes back, covered in blood and still holding the murder weapons. It’s as if he is in shock. Lady Macbeth helps him plant the bloody daggers on Duncan’s drunken guards.

Did Duncan really die?

Duncan is murdered by Macbeth. Macbeth had his ambition piqued by his encounter with the witches, and his wife is relentless in urging him to carry out the killing. The murder occurs between the first and second scenes in Act II. Macbeth sneaks into Duncan’s chamber and stabs him to death in his sleep.

What act does Duncan die?

Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 The murder of Duncan.

Who is there Beelzebub name?

When he cries, “Who’s there, i’ th’ name of Beelzebub [the devil]?” the analogy between hell and Inverness becomes even stronger (2.3. 3). Instead of receiving a welcome and a blessing when they step into Macbeth’s castle, guests are warned that they are putting themselves in the hands of the devil.

What does Macbeth hear when he kills Duncan?

In scene 2, as Macbeth kills Duncan, what does Lady Macbeth hear? Lady Macbeth hears an owl and crickets. Macbeth hears the guards praying and a voice saying ” sleep no more, Macbeth murders sleep..

What word can Macbeth not say after he kills King Duncan?


Who first discovers Duncan’s body?

Macduff, the Thane of Fife, is Macbeth’s deadly enemy. He discovers Duncan’s body and becomes Malcolm’s chief supporter, following him to England to support him in raising an army against Macbeth.

What reason does Macbeth give for not returning to Duncan’s bed chamber?

Macbeth Act 2 Reading and Study Guide answers

What is part of the largess that is for Lady Macbeth? Diamond
What reason does Macbeth give for not returning to Duncan’s bed chamber? He can’t even think about what he did
Who is knocking on the door? The Porter

What does Macbeth say in response to Banquo’s dream of the 3 witches?

3. What does Macbeth say in response to Banquo’s dream? Macbeth tells Banquo that if he sticks (“cleave”) with him, he will give him honor.

What did Lady Macbeth do with the daggers?

Secondly, Lady Macbeth saves the situation by framing Duncan’s servants for his murder. She does this by placing the daggers in their room and smearing them with Duncan’s blood. Lady Macbeth is forced to do this because Macbeth felt unable return to the scene of the crime; he is too overcome with emotion and regret.

What was Macbeth’s response to Banquo’s dream?

What does Macbeth say in response to Banquo’s dream? Macbeth tells Banquo that if he sticks (“cleave”) with him, he will give him honor. Banquo responds, “So I lose none/ IN seeking to augment it.” What does Banquo mean?

What does Porter say about alcohol?

In act 2, scene 3, the porter says that drink is an equivocator because “it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance.” In other words, when one has had a bit too much to drink, the alcohol can increase one’s sexual desire but at the same time decrease one’s ability to perform sexually.

What was Banquo’s dream?

Banquo says that the king is asleep and mentions that he had a dream about the “three weird sisters.” When Banquo suggests that the witches have revealed “some truth” to Macbeth, Macbeth claims that he has not thought of them at all since their encounter in the woods (2.1.

How does Lady Macbeth show herself to be stronger than her husband?

In Act II, Scene 2, how does lady Macbeth show herself to be stronger than her husband? She tells him he is an idiot and takes the dagger and deals with the dead bodies.

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