What information should be left off of a resume?

What information should be left off of a resume?

Personal information such as height, weight, birth date, age, sex, religion, political affiliation, or place of birth. Employers shouldn’t make employment decisions based on these factors, and they may resent the fact that you are tempting them to do so. Keep your resume focused on the facts.

What should I include in a resume and exclude?

Personal Attributes – personal information that is consistent across your digital profiles. If you go by your first name, middle initial and last name on LinkedIn and Twitter, format it the same way on your resume. Exclude: – extracurriculars that have nothing to do with your work.

Should I dumb down my resume to get a job?

Parish, who agrees that dumbing down the resume is generally not a good idea, says job seekers should shoot for the stars. “If experienced workers are armed with an extraordinary resume and launch an aggressive job search, they could find their ideal jobs and won’t have to settle,” she says.

When should I leave education off my resume?

Slawson suggests following these guidelines: If you have more than 10 to 15 years of experience, put your education at the bottom of your resume without a graduation date. If you have five to seven years of experience, put your education at the bottom of the resume with your graduation date.

Can you lie on your resume about education?

You can, though i’s strongly advised that you don’t. There have been many people — you’ll find some well-known names if you do a Google search — who decided to take the chance and embellish their resume with a few lies for a job search or to apply for a promotion.

How do you list high school on resume?

For the high school section of your resume, include the full name, the town of your high school, and the expected graduation date. Include your GPA if it’s a 3.0 or above and then make sure to highlight any special courses you take; AP, Honors, and Dual Credit are all great to document.

What do I put on a resume if my degree is in progress?

If you’re still pursuing a degree, your resume should make clear that your education is in progress. Follow this example: “Master of Business Administration degree candidate; anticipated completion May, 2020” If you have additional certifications, break them out and list them in their own section.

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