What ingredients can be substituted?

What ingredients can be substituted?

Ingredient Substitutions

Ingredient Amount Substitute
Butter 1 cup 7/8 cup lard plus 1/2 tsp. salt
Butter 1 cup 1 cup margarine
Buttermilk (sour milk) 1 cup 1 cup plain yogurt
Buttermilk (sour milk) 1 cup 1 cup whole or skim milk plus 1 tbsp. lemon juice or white vinegar

What can you substitute for cooking?

Substitutions include water seasoned with beer or white wine, juice (such as orange juice or apple juice), melted butter, milk (dairy, coconut, nut or soy milk), miso paste, mushroom stock (liquid from soaked dried mushrooms), olive oil, soy sauce or tea.

How important is substitution of ingredients in cooking?

Each ingredient in a recipe has a specific function. Substitution of one ingredient for another may alter the taste, color, moisture content or texture of the product. For this reason, it is suggested that ingredient substitution be used in unexpected situations only.

Can I substitute cornstarch for flour for frying?

You easily can use cornstarch instead of flour as a coating for fried chicken, fried fish, or other fried dishes. Cornstarch will create a crisper coating that will hold up to sauces better and will absorb less of the frying oil (leading to a lower-fat meal).

What does cornstarch do to the body?

Cornstarch is high in calories and carbs but low in essential nutrients. It may also increase blood sugar levels and harm heart health.

Can baking flour be used for frying?

Baking flour can be used for frying foods. However, it often has a high protein content of 13% or higher, producing a fried food that is too tough or chewy. To offset this, either find a baking flour with between 10-12% protein or add cornstarch or rice flour to offset the protein content.

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