What instruction code of LHLD does?

What instruction code of LHLD does?

Instruction type LHLD a16 in 8085 Microprocessor

Mnemonics, Operand Opcode(in HEX) Bytes
LHLD Address 2A 3

What is LHLD and shld?

SHLD – It stores the HL register pair within the memory. LHLD – It loads the HL register pair from the memory. These instruction copies contents of the memory location provided within the instruction in to the L register and contents of the next memory location in the H register.

Why do we draw valve timing diagram?

Why do We Need Valve Timing diagram? Synchronization between the steps of a cycle of the engine from the intake of air-fuel ratio to the exhaust of the combustion residual. Ideal timing for the opening and closing of the inlet and outlet valve which in turn protect the engine from defects like knocking or detonation.

What is Port timing diagram?

The sequence of operation of the ports is controlled by reciprocating movement of the piston in the engine cylinder. Since the one cycle is completed in one revolution of the crank, the sequence of operation of the ports can be represented in a circle (360°). This representation is known as a port timing diagram.

What is difference between valve and port?

Ports are simple opening for facilitating inlet or outlet of air-fuel mixture and exhaust gases. While valves are the combination of ports and mechanisms for its opening and closing often connected to a rocker arm and timing cam shaft in engines.

What is difference between SI and CI engine?

Difference Between Si engine and Ci engine Si engine is internal combustion engine that operates on the principle of spark ignition. It uses petrol and utilizes the Otto cycle. The diesel (Ci) engine is also an internal combustion engine, which uses diesel fuel and operates on diesel cycle.

What type of fuel is used for SI engine?


What is the classification of SI and CI?

The most prominent difference between Spark Ignition (SI) and Compression Ignition (CI) engines is the type of fuel used in each. In SI engines petrol or gasoline is used as fuel, hence these engines are also called petrol engines. In CI engines diesel is used as fuel, hence they are also called diesel engines.

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