What is a header line?

What is a header line?

The header line is a field string with the same structure as a row of the body, but it can only hold a single row. It is a buffer used to hold each record before it is added or each record as it is retrieved from the internal table. . The header line is the implicit work area for the internal table.

Is a table without header line?

“IT_COMBINE” is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called “EBELN”. 32 select ebeln lifnr ekorg bsart ekgrp 33 into table it_po 34 from ekko 35 where ebeln = it_combine-ebeln.

What is internal table with header line in ABAP?

Internal Tables with Header Line Here the system automatically creates the work area. The work area has the same data type as internal table. This work area is called the HEADER line. It is here that all the changes or any of the action on the contents of the table are done.

How many types of internal tables are there?

three types

When should you use a hashed internal table?

As long as your records has unique key(s), using hash table will give you a huge performance gain when dealing with large dataset. assuming in your case, 10000 record , and if the key is unique, use hash table. The main use of hash tables is for looking up fixed information from a key.

How do you make an internal table?

DATA statement is used to declare an internal table. The program must be told where the table begins and ends. So use the BEGIN OF statement and then declare the table name. After this, the OCCURS addition is used, followed by a number, here 0.

What is used to Summate entries in an internal table?

Simply you can use the select statement ! It should work! LOOP AT YOUR INTERNAL TABLE.

How do you sum in SAP?

Overview on SUM procedure

  1. Plan your maintenance activity (Maintenance Planner)
  2. Extract the archive to a folder on the primary application server of your SAP system.
  3. Update SAP Host Agent to latest patch level; configure SAP Host Agent (see guide);
  4. Connect from your local PC via browser.

How do you sum in SAP ABAP?

  1. SUM.
  2. SUM.
  3. DATA: BEGIN OF wa, col1 TYPE i, col2 TYPE i, END OF wa, itab LIKE TABLE OF wa WITH EMPTY KEY.
  4. DATA: BEGIN OF wa, col TYPE i, END OF wa, itab LIKE TABLE OF wa WITH EMPTY KEY. itab = VALUE #( FOR i = 1 UNTIL i > 10 ( col = i ) ).
  5. Executable Example.
  6. Exceptions.
  7. Handleable Exceptions.

What is the use of Collect statement in SAP ABAP?

The statement COLLECT sets sy-tabix for standard tables and sorted tables to the row number of the inserted or existing row in the primary table index, and for hashed tables to the value 0. COLLECT should only be used if internal tables are to be created that are genuinely unique or compressed.

What is Open SQL and Native SQL in ABAP?

Open SQL allows you to access the database tables declared in the ABAP dictionary regardless of the database platform that the R/3 system is using. Native SQL allows you to use database-specific SQL statements in an ABAP/4 program.

What is move corresponding in ABAP?

The statement MOVE-CORRESPONDING is used to assign components with the same name in structured data objects to each other. There are two variants of the statements, which can call each other internally: Both operands are structures. Both operands are internal tables.

What is the use of AT END OF in SAP ABAP?

->at the end of the internal table (at end, at last). Control Level Statements , that helps in reducing the lines of code. Also the Internal Table is to be ‘Sorted’ before using the Control Level Statements.

What is modify statement in ABAP?

MODIFY dbtab. MODIFY target [ connection] FROM source. The Open-SQL statement MODIFY inserts one or more rows specified in source in the database table or classic view specified in target, or overwrites existing rows. The addition connection can be used to specify a secondary connection. System Fields.

How do I merge two internal tables in ABAP?

Merging Two Internal Tables for Showing Data

  1. SELECT matnr. mbrsh. mtart. FROM mara. INTO TABLE itab UP TO 10 ROWS .
  2. SELECT matnr. maktx FROM makt. INTO TABLE itab2. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab. where matnr = itab-matnr. and spras = ‘EN’. READ TABLE itab2 WITH KEY matnr = itab-matnr.
  3. MODIFY itab. ENDIF. endloop . loop at itab. write:/ itab-matnr, itab-mbrsh, itab-maktx,

How do you modify an internal table?

MODIFY is the statement to change single or multiple lines in an internal table. Use the INDEX addition to change a single line. If we use the INDEX addition and the operation is successful, SY-SUBRC will be set to zero and the contents of the work area overwrites the contents of the line with the corresponding index.

What is the difference between update and modify in SAP ABAP?

Modify means it going to modify the record if it exists. If record is not there it going to add that record. Update means it is only modify the record.

How do you write a modify statement in SAP ABAP?


  1. MODIFY – Change a database table. Variants. MODIFY dbtab. or.
  2. MODIFY – Change an internal table. Variant. MODIFY itab [FROM wa] [INDEX idx]. Effect.
  3. MODIFY – Change a list line. Variants. MODIFY LINE n. MODIFY LINE n OF CURRENT PAGE.
  4. MODIFY – Change the attributes of a screen field. Basic form. MODIFY SCREEN. Effect.

How do I edit a custom table in SAP ABAP?

If you want to use Modify statement to update the DB. MODIFY DBTAB from ITAB. modify a internal table using transporting and where clauses to specify which fields will be altered using the whole key of the table and then using the internal table change the transparent table (database table). wa_X-field1 = “something”.

How do you edit data in a table in SAP?

Go to table and press Ctrl+ shift + F10 where you will go to table entries. Click on F8 (execute). And then select the entries that you want to edit by selecting the checkbox and goto menu Table entry – > select change. There you edit and save the entries.

How do you enter data into a table in SAP?

There are two basic ways you can add data to a database table within your SAP system. The first method is to do it manually via transactions such as SM30, SE16, SE80 etc. The second method is to use ABAP code within a program to add data to an SAP table.

How do I change data type in SAP ABAP?


  1. On the maintenance screen of the table, choose the Fields tab page.
  2. Double-click on the name of the data element.
  3. Double-click on the name of the domain.
  4. Choose with the quick info text Display <-> Change.
  5. Make the required changes and choose with the quick info text Save.

What is SM30?

A standard maintenance dialog is an ABAP/4 program that you generate. When you invoke SM31 or SM30, the data browser will automatically find and invoke that generated program. It provides a more complex interface and more functionality than SE16.

How do you add entries to a table?

Save and activate the table. Then go back to menu path Utilities->Table Contents->Create Entries. Enter some test values in the fields and press save. In the selection screen enter the selection criteria if you want to filter the records you want to display and press execute.

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