What is a word for a lot of something?

What is a word for a lot of something?

What is another word for a lot?

much many things
substantial plentiful
innumerable an amount
a number countless
ample considerable

What is a fancy word for large?

Frequently Asked Questions About huge Some common synonyms of huge are colossal, enormous, gigantic, immense, mammoth, and vast. While all these words mean “exceedingly large,” huge commonly suggests an immensity of bulk or amount.

Are big and huge the same?

Big means large in size , quantity ,importance or intensity. means extraordinarily and unusually big and large again in size ,quantity or extent. The difference between “big” and “huge” is in the degree . “Huge” adds immensity to the size of the object marking it by a striking volume.

What is a very large book called?

A tome or codex is a large book, especially one volume of a multi-volume scholarly work.

What is a Thome?

noun An obsolete form of thumb .

What is a long story called?


  • adventure.
  • chronicle.
  • epic.
  • legend.
  • narrative.
  • tale.
  • yarn.
  • soap opera.

What does Mote mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : a small particle : speck motes danced in the shafts of sunlight— Margaret Kennedy.

What is a mote of fire?

A Mote of Fire is a small piece of pure fire. It can be found while mining or killing fire elementals, and is used both in alchemy and engineering, as well as for combining into [Primal Fire].

What does Mote mean in the Bible?

The original Greek word translated as “mote” (κάρφος karphos) meant “any small dry body”. The terms mote and beam are from the King James Version; other translations use different words, e.g. the New International Version uses “speck (of sawdust)” and “plank”.

What do Masons say instead of amen?

“So mote it be” is a ritual phrase used by the Freemasons, in Rosicrucianism, and more recently by Neopagans, meaning “so may it be”, “so it is required”, or “so must it be”, and may be said at the end of a prayer in a similar way to “amen”.

What does mote in the eye mean?

mote in a person’s eye, a a fault observed in another person by a person who ignores a greater fault of his or her own; a mote is an irritating particle in the eye, and the allusion is to Matthew 7:3.

Why don’t you look at the speck in your brother’s eye?

In the King James Version of the Bible the text reads: Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye. You hypocrite!

What did God say about hypocrites?

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

What is the meaning of Matthew 7 3?

The meaning of this verse is fairly clear, it is an attack on the hypocrites who attack others for their small flaws while ignoring their own massive ones. Those who judge others, but do not evaluate themselves.

What is the meaning of Matthew 7 4?

Fowler sees this verse as stating that those with major flaws should keep quiet about the flaws of others until their own are dealt with. He links this to the metaphor of the blind leading the blind, if you follow one who cannot see you will simply follow the blind one into disaster.

What does Judge mean in Matthew 7?

The judge mentioned in this verse is generally considered to be God. The term translated as judge, krino, also implies condemnation not just judging. In this verse Jesus warns that one who condemns others will themselves be condemned.

What is the meaning of Matthew 7 2?

Ulrich Luz advances the explanation that this verse states that if you search to find faults with others, that God will then search to find fault with you, and since all humans are infinitely flawed you would then easily be condemned.

What is the meaning of Matthew chapter 7 verse 6?

Interpretations. The metaphor seems to be teaching against giving what is considered just or holy to those who do not appreciate it. Animals such as dogs and pigs cannot appreciate ethics, and this verse implies that there is even some class of human beings who cannot, either.

Do not give to dogs what is sacred?

Let’s look at this verse in a slightly larger context: “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces” (Matthew 7:6).

What is the meaning of Matthew 8 12?

The place of punishment being one of darkness

What does Be ye perfect mean?

Applied to people, it refers to completeness of parts, or perfection, where no part is defective or wanting.” Some link the Gospel’s use of the term with its use by the Greek philosophers. To them something was perfect if it fully be its intended function.

Why is the Bible perfect?

The first deductive justification is that the Bible says it is inspired by God (for instance “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness”) and because God is perfect, the Bible must also be perfect and, hence, free from error.

What is the great day of the Lord?

Other prophets use the imagery as a warning to Israel or its leaders and for them, the day of the Lord will mean destruction for the biblical nations of Israel and/or Judah. This concept develops throughout Jewish and Christian Scripture into a day of divine, apocalyptic judgment at the end of the world.

How do you deal with a perfectionist?

Coping With Perfectionism

  1. In order to change perfectionistic thinking it is important to:
  2. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of trying to be perfect.
  3. Increase your awareness of the self-critical nature of your all-or-nothing thoughts, and how they extend to other people in your life.
  4. Set strict time limits on each of your projects.

Is being a perfectionist a form of OCD?

Perfectionism is considered a personality trait and is not considered a personality disorder of its own however perfectionism is a trait often seen in obsessive-compulsive personality disorder which is similar to OCD except that the individual is fully supportive of this behavior; identical to individuals who are …

Is OCD an addiction?

Like many anxiety disorders and depression, alcohol and drug addiction often co-occur with OCD. This pairing can cause serious mental and physical damage. In these dual diagnosis situations of drug addiction and OCD, it’s crucial to get the right treatment for both disorders.

Is being a perfectionist a disorder?

Perfectionism is a risk factor for obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, eating disorders, social anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder, workaholism, self harm and suicide, substance abuse, and clinical depression as well as physical problems like heart disease.

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