What is context with example?

What is context with example?

Context refers to the background or details surrounding an event that occurs in literature. Examples of Context: To fully understand the plot of a story set during the Civil War, the reader must understand something about the context, or something about the Civil War and how it affected families in the United States.

How do you use context?

in the context of (something) In or amid the surrounding words or event that gives something its complete, original, or genuine meaning. All injuries are more costly in the context of the playoffs. Oh no, in the context of the original interview, her comments made perfect sense.

What does it mean when someone takes something out of context?

phrase. If a statement or remark is quoted out of context, the circumstances in which it was said are not correctly reported, so that it seems to mean something different from the meaning that was intended. Thomas says that he has been quoted out of context.

What is an example of social context?

Social context refers to the specific setting in which social interaction takes place. For example, a wave or wink in a particular culture or setting may communicate a warm greeting or friendly joke by one definition. In a different social context, however, these actions might signify a completely different message.

Why is social context important?

Context will determine whether you jump in to help or run away in fear. In sum, social situations are shaped by contextual factors that affect how you feel and act. Contextual cues are important for interpreting social situations. Yet, they have been largely ignored in the world of science.

How can social context affect relationships?

Different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate due to of a lack of understanding or knowledge of one another’s background and culture. This can then offend them and increase the chance of a breakdown of relationship.

What is social context in media?

The social context, in this case, consists of the physical presence of other audience members colocated during media consumption. The social and entertainment gratifications obtained from these different mediated viewing contexts may differ from those obtained from in-person contexts, however.

What are some examples of social factors?

Socially factors are things that affect someone’s lifestyle. These could include wealth, religion, buying habits, education level, family size and structure and population density.

What are the 5 socio economic factors?

Social and economic factors, such as income, education, employment, community safety, and social supports can significantly affect how well and how long we live. These factors affect our ability to make healthy choices, afford medical care and housing, manage stress, and more.

What are the factors that affect the health of a community?

There are many different factors that can affect your health. These include things like housing, financial security, community safety, employment, education and the environment. These are known as the wider determinants of health.

What factors affect health and wellbeing?

Factors that influence wellbeing

  • Happy intimate relationship with a partner.
  • Network of close friends.
  • Enjoyable and fulfilling career.
  • Enough money.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Nutritional diet.
  • Enough sleep.
  • Spiritual or religious beliefs.

What things influence our health behavior?

Several behaviors that exert a strong influence on health are reviewed in this section: tobacco use, alcohol consumption, physical activity and diet, sexual practices, and disease screening.

How do the social determinants of health impact?

Social determinants have a major impact on health outcomes—especially for the most vulnerable populations. Factors such as a patient’s education, income level and environment must be considered when providing treatment and care.

What is the social determinants of health framework?

The WHO Conceptual SDOH framework demonstrates how social, economic, and political factors such as income, education, occupation, gender, race, and ethnicity influence a person’s socioeconomic position which, in turn, plays a role in determining health outcomes.

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