What is declarative imperative interrogative?

What is declarative imperative interrogative?

A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period. Examples: I go to Voorhees Middle School. George Washington was the first president. An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark.

What type of sentence is declarative?

In English grammar, a declarative sentence is a sentence that makes a statement, provides a fact, offers an explanation, or conveys information. These types of sentences are also known as declarative statements. A declarative sentence is the most common type of sentence in the English language.

What are examples of declarative sentences?

Declarative sentences are simply statements that relay information. They are the most common type of sentences in the English language….Some basic declarative sentence examples are:

  • He runs.
  • She sings.
  • I like climbing.
  • Fran is sad.
  • My cat is black.
  • Dogs are cute.
  • He is eight years old.
  • The sky is blue.

How do you use declarative sentences?

When writing a simple declarative sentence, use one idea and eliminate excess phrases and words. Choose your subject and predicate. A declarative sentence is made up of two basic elements: the noun, or subject, and the verb, or predicate. Convey information directly and simply by choosing the most basic information.

What are the common mistakes done while writing declarative sentences?

Answer Expert Verified. A declarative sentence is one which makes a statement or declares something. the sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with a period. The most common mistake of writing a declarative sentence is that people tend to begin the sentence with a quotation mark instead of the capital letter.

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Grammarly is more than a grammar check, more than a spell check, and more than a punctuation corrector. With Grammarly, you’ll build writing skills while you’re correcting grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes as well as sentence structure problems, misused words, typos, and more.

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