What is EC nationality?

What is EC nationality?

(EC citizenship was initially granted to all citizens of European Community member states in 1994 by the Maastricht treaty concluded between the member states of the European community under international law, this changed into citizenship of the European Union in 2007 when the European Community changed its legal …

What is an EC passport holder?

An EU passport is a passport issued by one of the 27 member states of the European Union and allows you to travel visa-free between all EU countries, and to a large number of third-countries the EU has bilateral agreements with.

What does EC member states mean?

The European Community (EC) was an economic association formed by six European member countries in 1957, consisting of three communities that eventually were replaced by the European Union (EU) in 1993. The European Community dealt with policies and governing, in a communal fashion, across all member states.

Do I need to do an EC Sales List?

You’ll need to complete an EC Sales List if you are UK VAT-registered, trade from the UK and, on or before the 31 December 2020, have: sold goods to EU VAT-registered customers. filled in box 8 of your VAT Return.

What is EC sales list used for?

EC Sales Lists are used when reporting the VAT on sales to the EU. The EC Sales List contains information on sales and transfers of goods and services to VAT registered companies in other EU countries, with EC standing for European Commission. EC Sales are reported by the calendar period and done on an accrual basis.

Is there a penalty for late filing of EC Sales List?

Failure to submit an EC sales list (ESL) by the due date can give rise to a civil penalty at a daily rate. If an ESL is not submitted by the due date, HMRC may issue a notice. If the ESL is not submitted within a further 14 days, then a penalty will be due.

How do I fill out an EC Sales List?

Completing a EC Sales List

  1. Your name and trading address.
  2. Your nine-digit VAT registration number.
  3. Period reference – for example 03 13.
  4. Period for goods / service from and to – these are the months and years for the period you are reporting.
  5. Branch/subsidiary identifier can be left blank unless you have been issued one.

What is included on an EC Sales List?

The EC Sales list declaration must always include the following information about each sale to another EU country:

  • The customer’s name.
  • The customer’s EU VAT numbers.
  • Their country codes.
  • The value amount of the transactions reported.

What happens to EC sales list after Brexit?

EC Sales Lists will no longer need to be completed for supplies of services to businesses in the EU. The final EC Sales List will be for sales made in the period to 31 December 2020 and should be submitted by 21 January 2021.

Do I need to submit EC sales list after Brexit?

For the export of goods or the supply of services made to EU businesses on or after 1 January 2021, you will not need to submit an EC Sales List (ESL) . You will have until 21 January 2021 to submit ESLs for sales made before 1 January 2021.

Do I still charge VAT to EU customers?

If you provide services to customers outside the EU, you usually do not charge VAT. However, if the service is used in another EU country, that country can decide to charge the VAT. You may still deduct the VAT that you paid on related expenses, such as for goods or services purchased specifically to make those sales.

Are sales to EU now zero rated?

If you sell, send or transfer goods out of the UK you do not normally need to charge VAT on them. You can zero rate most exports from: Great Britain to any destination outside the UK. Northern Ireland to a destination outside the UK and EU.

Is reverse charge applicable after Brexit?

On 31 December 2020, the United Kingdom left the EU and as a result, became a third country for VAT purposes. Therefore, for companies trading with the UK (excluding trade in goods with Northern Ireland*), the rules of trade with a non-EU country apply.

Does reverse charge apply after Brexit?

There are limted changes on the Brexit VAT on services for B2B transactions after the UK leaves the EU VAT regime. The reverse charge will still apply. In the future, the UK may deviate from some of the use and enjoyment rules. There are changes on certain cross-border B2C services to EU consumers (and vice-a-versa).

Does reverse charge still apply?

Reverse charge The VAT codes ‘Zero Rated EC Sales’ and ‘Zero Rated EC Expenses’ will no longer be used. However, Reverse Charge will still exist for purchases. The Reverse Charge will apply on services that if purchased in the UK would be subject to VAT i.e subscriptions.

How does reverse charge VAT work?

The reverse charge is a mechanism for accounting for VAT whereby the customer charges themselves VAT, rather than the supplier charging VAT. As the reverse charge makes it the customer’s responsibility to account for VAT there is no opportunity for the supplier to disappear without paying the VAT to HMRC.

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