What is EQU instruction?

What is EQU instruction?

The EQU instruction assigns absolute or relocatable values to symbols. Use it to: Assign single absolute values to symbols. Assign the values of previously defined symbols or expressions to new symbols, thus letting you use different mnemonics for different purposes.

What is EQU in assembly language?

The EQU directive only tells the assembler to substitute a value for a symbol or label, and doesn’t involve any type of ROM or RAM. EQU directives are typically placed at the beginning of an assembly program.

What is the advantage of using the EQU directive to define a constant value?

Using symbolic constants instead of undescriptive numbers makes your code more readable and easier to maintain. The assembler does not allocate data storage when you use either EQU or = . The assembler simply replaces each occurrence of the symbol with the value of the expression.

Which directive is used to define constants?

The %define Directive The above code replaces PTR by [EBP+4]. This directive also allows redefinition and it is case-sensitive.

How the constants are declared?

You use the Const statement to declare a constant and set its value. By declaring a constant, you assign a meaningful name to a value. Once a constant is declared, it cannot be modified or assigned a new value. You declare a constant within a procedure or in the declarations section of a module, class, or structure.

Why and when do we use the #include directive?

The #include preprocessor directive is used to paste code of given file into current file. If included file is not found, compiler renders error. By the use of #include directive, we provide information to the preprocessor where to look for the header files.

Which directive is used to declare variable?

[variable-name] define-directive initial-value [,initial-value]… Where, variable-name is the identifier for each storage space….Allocating Storage Space for Initialized Data.

Directive Purpose Storage Space
DT Define Ten Bytes allocates 10 bytes

Which directive is used to define 16 bit data type?

DW = define word size (16 bits) variables.

What is DB directive?

DB directive is used to declare a byte- type. variable or to store a byte in memory location.

Which directive is used to indicate the beginning of the program instruction or data?

The directive SEGMENT indicates the beginning of the segment. Solution: In this, the recurring/repeating value is assigned with a label. The label is placed instead of the numerical value in the entire program code.

When two different instructions use the same storage it is called?

Data Hazards occur when an instruction depends on the result of previous instruction and that result of instruction has not yet been computed. whenever two different instructions use the same storage. the location must appear as if it is executed in sequential order.

What is primary difference between a RISC and CISC processor?

Difference between the RISC and CISC Processors

It is a Reduced Instruction Set Computer. It is a Complex Instruction Set Computer.
It emphasizes on software to optimize the instruction set. It emphasizes on hardware to optimize the instruction set.

What is CISC explain it with diagram?

The main idea behind is to make hardware simpler by using an instruction set composed of a few basic steps for loading, evaluating, and storing operations just like a load command will load data, store command will store the data….Difference –

Fixed sized instructions Variable sized instructions

Why CISC is faster than RISC?

The performance of RISC processors is often two to four times than that of CISC processors because of simplified instruction set. This architecture uses less chip space due to reduced instruction set. RISC processors can be designed more quickly than CISC processors due to its simple architecture.

Which is best RISC or CISC?

The short answer is that RISC is perceived by many as an improvement over CISC. CISC machines can have special instructions as well as instructions that take more than one cycle to execute. This means that the same instruction executed on a CISC architecture might take several instructions to execute on a RISC machine.

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