What is solution loss reaction in blast furnace?
(1,2) The degradation of coke in a blast furnace is mainly due to the carbon loss reaction caused by CO2 erosion, that is, the coke solution loss reaction (Ccoke + CO2 = 2CO). The loose structure and the decreasing strength of coke affect the skeleton support and good permeability of a blast furnace.
What chemical reactions happen in a blast furnace?
The reactions of the blast furnace involve 1) combustion of the fuel and its conversion into carbon monoxide, 2) reduction of the ore, and 3) formation of slag. A reaction such as FeO + CO = Fe + CO2 can occur in both the forward and backward direction under conditions existing somewhere in the blast furnace.
What is the purpose of coke in the blast furnace?
Blast furnace ironmaking makes use of coke as the major source for both energy and reduction of iron oxides. In the blast furnace process, coke has multifunctions and plays an important role as reductant, burden support, and fuel.
How the quality of coke does effects the reaction of a blast furnace What should be the ideal physical properties of the coke to be used in blast furnace?
To ensure good blast furnace performance, coke should be moderately large, with a narrow size range, and have a high mechanical strength in order to withstand the weakening reactions with carbon dioxide and alkali, abrasion, and thermal shock in the blast furnace.
What is the main reducing agent in a blast furnace?
carbon monoxide
Why coal is not used in blast furnace?
Coal cannot be directly charged via the furnace top, it must first be transformed to coke. Raw materials are charged to the furnace in alternating layers of coke and ore. This alternating layer structure inside the furnace has a profound impact on the operation of the furnace and on the required quality of coke.
What is difference between coke and coal?
What is the difference between coal and coke fuel? Coal is a shiny, black fossil fuel that contains impurities, emits smoke when burned, and produces less heat than coke. Coke is a dull, black byproduct of coal that burns hotter and cleaner. By the 1880s, most plants used coal’s byproduct, coke, to produce steel.
Why is Coke a cleaner fuel than coal?
Coke is a better fuel than coal because; -Coke produces more heat on burning than coal. When equal masses of coke and coal are burnt, coke produces more heat. -When coke is burnt smoke is not obtained.
Which reaction is used to increase the temperature inside the blast furnace?
The reaction between oxygen and carbon is exothermic and is responsible for increasing the temperature of the blast furnace.
In which position blast furnace is kept?
Ironmaking blast furnaces consist of several zones: a crucible-shaped hearth at the bottom of the furnace; an intermediate zone called a bosh between the hearth and the stack; a vertical shaft (the stack) that extends from the bosh to the top of the furnace; and the furnace top, which contains a mechanism for charging …
What is meant by the charge for the blast furnace?
The Iron Ore, Coke and Limestone, (the Charge), is conveyed to the top of the Furnace. The Limestone attracts the impurities in the Iron Ore and forms Slag. This Slag is lighter than the molten Iron and so floats on top of it.
What is produced in blast furnace?
Blast furnace produces Hot metal (Liquid Iron) using Iron ore, Coke, Sinter, Pellets and fluxes such as Lime-stone, Pyroxenite, Quartzite reacting with oxygen from pre heated air.
Why scrap is added in BOF steelmaking?
Thermal balance of basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking is controlled primarily by the scrap added as coolant. These coolants have varying cooling effects and significantly influence the blowing parameters and turn-down performance.
What is LD process?
The most well-known of these is the Linz-Donawitz process (or LD process), also known as the basic oxygen steel making process. Liquid pig iron and scrap metal are fed into the LD converter, and flux for making slag is added. Oxygen is blown into the cast via a lance.
Why oxygen is used in steel plant?
The lance “blows” 99% pure oxygen over the hot metal, igniting the carbon dissolved in the steel, to form carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, causing the temperature to rise to about 1700 °C. This melts the scrap, lowers the carbon content of the molten iron and helps remove unwanted chemical elements.