What is the function of male genital pore?

What is the function of male genital pore?

a paired or unpaired opening in cyclostomes and some bony fishes that connects the body cavity to the environment and that serves to eliminate eggs and sperm.

What is genital pores in earthworms?

While studying the anatomy of a male earthworm, it can be seen that a pair of the male genital pore is present on the 18th segment of the body of an earthworm. Each pore is present on either side. These are helpful during the process of copulation.

What is the function of Spermatheca in earthworm?

The spermathecae receive and store the spermatozoa of another earthworm during copulation. They are lined with epithelium and are variable in shape: some are thin, heavily coiled tubes, while others are vague outpocketings from the main reproductive tract. It is one of the many variations in sexual reproduction.

Do female cockroaches have Spermatheca?

So, the correct answer is ‘ One pair spermatheca present and opens in the genital chamber’.

How many Spermathecae are found in earthworm write its function?

(ii) Four pairs of spermathecae are present in earthworms. They are located between sixth and the ninth segments. They help in receiving and storing the spermatozoa during copulation.

How many Spermathecae are found in cockroach?

Answer: (a) Cockroach (b) Four pairs of spermathecae are present 6-9th segments.

Why is earthworm called a farmer friend?

Earthworms are known as farmers’ best friends because of the multitude of services they provide that improve soil health and consequently plant health. The soil, in addition to being the habitat for crops, also nurtures other organisms, some of which can cause devastating diseases to plants.

How many Spermathecae are there?

Four pairs of spermathecae are found in the earthworm. These are found to be located between the sixth and the ninth segments. The function of spermathecae is to receive and store the spermatozoa during copulation.

How many Spermathecae are present in female cockroach?

So, the correct answer is ‘6th abdominal segment of female’.

What is the common name of Periplaneta americana?

American cockroach

What is the position of ovaries in cockroach Class 11?

Hint: Ovaries are lying laterally in the abdominal segments that are connected with the oviduct from each side. In cockroach each ovary consists of eight ovarian tubules (ovarioles).

Which is not true for cockroach?

-Cockroaches have a pair of the mandible and a pair of the mandible. The 10th segment has a filamentous structure called the anal cerci, in both male and female cockroaches. So, the correct answer is ‘Forewings called tegmina used for flight are attached to the 1st thoracic segment.

What is the position of ovaries?

The ovaries are two small, oval-shaped organs in the pelvis. The pelvis is the area between the hips in the lower part of the tummy. The ovaries are part of the female reproductive system.

How many segments are present in the abdomen of male and female cockroach?

10 segments

Which structure is found in both male & female cockroach?

Anal cerci

What is main difference between male and female cockroach?

Complete answer:

Male Cockroach Female Cockroach
The male cockroaches’ antennae are smaller than the females’. The antennae are relatively bigger than males’.
There are Anal styles. There are no anal styles.
The male cockroach abdomen is slender. The female cockroach’s abdomen is shaped like a boat and is blunt.

Are cockroaches dioecious?

The cockroaches are dioecious (unisexual) animals. Male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, utricular gland and phallic gland.

Is cockroach unisexual?

Cockroach is a bisexual animal.

What is the order of a cockroach?


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