What is the main idea of the scarlet letter?

What is the main idea of the scarlet letter?

Major theme. The major theme of The Scarlet Letter is shaming and social stigmatizing, both Hester’s public humiliation and Dimmesdale’s private shame and fear of exposure.

How did the story Scarlet Letter end?

In the end, Chillingworth is morally degraded by his monomaniacal pursuit of revenge. Dimmesdale is broken by his own sense of guilt, and he publicly confesses his adultery before dying in Hester’s arms. Only Hester can face the future bravely, as she prepares to begin a new life with her daughter, Pearl, in Europe.

Why did Dimmesdale die in The Scarlet Letter?

mwestwood, M.A. Reverend Dimmesdale dies of an illness that haunts his soul. Tormented by his terrible guilt and the psychological torture of Roger Chillingworth who has vowed that “he will be mine,” Dimmesdale is so burdened spiritually that his health fails and he can bear his sin no more.

Why does Chillingworth say thou hast escaped me?

What does Chillingworh mean when he says, “Thou hast escaped me?” Chillingworth wants to know if Dimmesdale has died and escaped his grasp. What changes about Pearl as her father is dying? It is like a spell had broken.

Why does Dimmesdale confess?

Dimmesdale knew that in order to redeem, he would need to part with the person he ‘violated reverence’ with, his guilt could not continue with Hester because he would be corrupt. The manhood he embodied was that of a innocent soul, and confessing his sin for God proved him to be an honest man.

What did Dimmesdale punish himself?

To relieve his guilt, Dimmesdale punishes himself in several ways. He goes without food and sleep for long periods of time, and he also whips himself on his back, causing cuts and bleeding. These attempts to atone for his sins do not work.

What was Chillingworth’s sin?

Chillingworth himself, however, intentionally commits the sin of seeking revenge against his fellow man. In addition, Chillingworth hides his feelings of anger and hatred in order to plot his revenge, thereby committing the further sin of deceit. . . .

Why does Dimmesdale hide his sin?

Arthur Dimmesdale did not confess his sins for all the wrong reasons. He didn’t confess for mostly two reasons those being: his belief that man did not judge other men but only God can do that or that he will better serve his people with a sinful heart and not a sinful appearance.

Why does Pearl say Hester wears the scarlet letter?

But despite repeated questions by Pearl, Hester says she wears the letter for “the sake of the gold thread” — the first time she had “been false to the symbol on her bosom.” Pearl is not satisfied and continues to question Hester until Hester threatens to shut Pearl in a dark closet.

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