What is the maximum distance between fence posts?

What is the maximum distance between fence posts?

Most fence posts can be spaced 8 to 12 feet apart. While this is a general criteria, it doesn’t cover all scenarios. For instance, high tensile fence can have larger spacing, requiring line posts every 15 to 20 feet for field fence styles, and as much as 20-30 feet for high tensile barbed and smooth wire.

Can fence posts be 12 feet apart?

You should space your posts 8-12 feet apart as a general rule, although 10-12 feet apart is sufficient for 5-6 wire barbed fence. Position each post with the anchor plate at the bottom and perpendicular to the fence line.

How far apart should line posts be?

10 feet

Can fence posts be 10 feet apart?

Typical spacing is right around 8 feet between each post however different circumstances may call for different measurements and it is not uncommon to have spacing between posts reach up to 10 feet. Once you have a rough idea of your post layout start by digging your first hole.

What kind of cement do you use for fence posts?

Fast-setting concrete is ideal for installing fence posts since it doesn’t need to be mixed in a bucket or a wheelbarrow. Once you’ve finished digging your post holes, add about three to four inches of gravel into the bottom and compact it using a post or a 2×4.

How deep should an 8 foot post be in the ground?

In general, holes should be at least 3 feet deep for posts that extend 8 feet or more above ground level. Posts that extend 6 feet above ground level should have holes at least 2 1/2 feet deep.

Can pressure treated posts be set in concrete?

Simply setting the posts in concrete does create a condition that will accelerate rot in the bottom of the posts. With pressure-treated posts, the rot will be slow. Concrete should be poured around the post – no concrete under the post.

How many bags of cement do I need for a fence post?

Most fence post holes will need between 1 – 4 bags of concrete to securely hold the post in place. The best way to determine the size of the hole is: Diameter of the hole is 3 times the width of the fence post. Depth of the hole is one-third to half the above ground height of the fence post.

Can you put dry concrete in a post hole?

Fast-setting concrete is ideal for setting posts because there’s no mixing—you simply pour the dry concrete from the bag right into the hole, then add water.

Do you put concrete inside vinyl fence post?

Manufacturers unanimously require vinyl fence posts to be installed into a concrete filled post hole. Setting vinyl posts into concrete provides a consistent footing to ensure the posts will remain inline and true for years to come. Concrete should fill the post hole up to 3-4 inches from the top.

Why do fence posts rot at ground level?

Wood fence posts will rot due to prolonged exposure to moisture in the soil.

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