What is the meaning of unstable presentation in pregnancy?
In plain terms, an unstable fetal lie is when your unborn baby moves positions within the womb during the later stages of pregnancy (after 36 weeks). This can be concerning for mothers-to-be, as they can suddenly move from a low risk to a more high risk pregnancy.
What causes an unstable lie in pregnancy?
Malpresentation may be caused by: having a low-lying placenta. having too much or too little amniotic fluid. an abnormally shaped uterus.
What does cephalic presentation mean?
Fetal Positions for Birth. Ideally for labor, the baby is positioned head-down, facing your back, with the chin tucked to its chest and the back of the head ready to enter the pelvis. This is called cephalic presentation.
Is cephalic presentation is good for normal delivery?
About 95 percent of babies drop down into the head-first position a few weeks or days before their due date. This is called the cephalic position, and it’s safest for mom and baby when it comes to giving birth.
Does position of placenta change during pregnancy?
It is very common for the position of the placenta to change as the uterus stretches and grows. An anterior placenta can migrate toward the top, sides, or back of the uterus as the weeks go on.
When do you find out position of placenta?
The position of your placenta will be recorded at your 18- to 21-week ultrasound scan. If your placenta is significantly low, you’ll be offered an extra ultrasound scan later in your pregnancy (usually at about 32 weeks) to check its position again.
Is anterior or posterior placenta better?
Both placental positions are considered normal. Aside from being an ideal location for delivery, the other benefit of a posterior placenta is being able to feel your baby’s movements early on. This is not the case with an anterior placenta because the placenta may create more space between the baby and your abdomen.
Can baby kicking hurt placenta?
Because of its placement in the uterus, an anterior placenta can make it more difficult to feel it when your baby kicks.