What is the most famous diary in the world?

What is the most famous diary in the world?

The Diary of Anne Frank

Which diary is best?

Top 10 – The Ten Best 2020 Diaries

  • Leuchtturm Weekly Notebook.
  • Marks Storage.it.
  • Hobonichi Techno.
  • Mark + Fold.
  • Rhodia 365 Perpetual Planner.
  • Les Agenda l’Annee.
  • Nahe Schedule Book.
  • Moleskine Planner Diary.

Who are the most famous authors of diaries?

Dear diary: five famous diary writers

  • Pliny the Younger’s Letters (97–109)
  • Samuel Pepys’ Secret Diary (1660–1669)
  • Lewis and Clark’s Journals (1803–1806)
  • Robert Scott’s Captain’s Log (1912)
  • Anne Frank’s Diary (1942–1944)

What famous people have diaries?

7 Famous Diary Entries from Extraordinary People

  • Marco Polo (1254-1324) (Handwritten notes by Christopher Columbus on Marco Polo’s diary.
  • Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
  • Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
  • Charles Darwin (1809-1881)
  • Marie Curie (1867-1934)
  • Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
  • Courtney Love (1964-)

Does Emma Watson keep a diary?

Actress Emma Watson also keeps her thoughts in a diary. I must have 10 different personal diaries: I keep a dream diary, I keep a yoga diary, I keep diaries on people that I’ve met and things that they’ve said to me, advice that they’ve given me. I keep an acting journal. I keep collage books.”

Who started diary?

Samuel Pepys (1633–1703) is the earliest diarist who is well known today; his diaries, preserved in Magdalene College, Cambridge, were first transcribed and published in 1825. Pepys was amongst the first who took the diary beyond mere business transaction notation, into the realm of the personal.

Is keeping a diary good?

Keeping a diary has the ability to reduce our anxieties and settle our nerves in potentially stressful situations. To keep a diary of your thoughts and emotions surrounding situations you feel uncomfortable with, enables you to develop a sense of control and therefore reduce your anxiety.

Is it wrong to read someone’s diary?

Reading other’s Diary is equivalent to peeping into that person’s bedroom, they say. It is, indeed, right. Reading other’s Diary can be a very grave mistake because it might lead to invading someone’s personal space, which may lead to disastrous consequences. You can never expect what a person writes in his/her Diary.

Why you should never read someone’s diary?

If you read someone’s journal – as well as the obvious problem that it is private writing and they did not intend it to be read – you will not find the person there, and thinking that you will could give you every which kind of wrong impression, like listening to someone’s dreams and believing you can interpret them.

What do I do if someone reads my diary?

Tell them exactly how it makes you feel that they broke your trust and read your private thoughts. Be very specific and very thorough. After that you can leave some choice insults at the end of each of your entries just in case they keep doing it. Make the insults very personal and filthy.

Should I tell my boyfriend I read his journal?

Relationship experts always want to tell you that snooping is one hundred percent without fail invariably wrong. It’s a violation of your partner’s privacy, it breaks trust and if you want a healthy relationship you should never do it.

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