What is the purpose of an alternate employer endorsement?

What is the purpose of an alternate employer endorsement?

The alternate employer endorsement is meant for businesses that use employees from other firms, such as contractors or staffing services. It extends workers’ compensation and employers liability coverage to the business using another company’s employees.

What does an additional insured endorsement mean?

An additional insured endorsement does exactly what you would expect it to do, it adds another insured party to the policy. When an additional insured endorsement is added, there is a change made to the “Who Is An Insured” section of the insurance policy, extending coverage to an additional party.

What is a borrowed servant endorsement?

Borrowed servant rule is a legal doctrine indicating that an employer may be held liable for the actions of a temporary employee.

What is voluntary compensation endorsement?

Voluntary Compensation Endorsement — enables an employer to extend the benefits provided by the workers compensation act to employees who may not be entitled to benefits under the terms of the act, such as executive officers, partners, sole proprietors, farm workers, domestic employees, or employees traveling overseas.

What is an All states endorsement?

The Broad Form All States Endorsement, when it was used, provided workers compensation and employers liability coverage for employees working in states that were not specifically covered by the workers compensation policy.

Which of the following would be covered under a voluntary compensation endorsement to a workers comp policy?

Covered Injuries Like the standard NCCI workers compensation policy, the Voluntary Compensation endorsement covers two ypes of injuries: bodily injury by accident and bodily injury by disease (including death).

Which of the following is not covered injury under workers compensation?

Certain types of workers and jobs are not covered by workers’ compensation. The main categories of workers that are not covered by traditional workers’ compensation are: business owners, volunteers, independent contractors, federal employees, railroad employees, and longshoremen.

Which of the following are objectives of workers compensation?

Objectives of Workers’ Compensation. A fundamental objective is to provide broad coverage of employees for job-related accidents and disease. Workers’ compensation laws should cover most occupations or job-related accidents and disease. A second objective is to provide substantial protection against the loss of income.

Which of the following would not qualify as a hired auto?

Hired autos are vehicles your business leases, hires, rents, or borrows that are used in the course of doing business. Vehicles you lease, hire, rent, or borrow from any of your employees, partners, limited liability members, or household members are not considered hired autos.

Is hired auto coverage primary?

Unlike liability coverage, physical damage coverage on hired autos is covered on a primary basis. Under the standard commercial auto policy, Loss of Use coverage is automatically provided if you purchase physical damage for hired autos.

What is the difference between hired and non-owned auto?

A hired auto means any auto you lease, hire, borrow or rent. Non-Owned Auto Liability coverage applies in cases involving employees driving their own vehicles on business for their employer. Non-Owned Liability refers to autos the business does not own, lease or hire.

What is employees as insureds?

Employees as Insureds Endorsement — this commercial auto endorsement (CA 99 33) may be used to extend nonowner liability coverage to cover the individual liability of employees while they are using their own autos in the employer’s business.

What does employee as lessor mean?

Employee as Lessor Endorsement — this commercial auto endorsement (CA 99 47) may be used to afford coverage on a primary basis on an auto that is owned by an employee of the named insured and is described on the endorsement.

What is fellow employee exclusion?

Fellow Employee Exclusion — an exclusion in liability policies that eliminates insured status for an employee of the named insured organization with respect to injury that employee causes to another employee.

What does fellow employee coverage mean?

Fellow Employee Coverage — an endorsement to the business auto policy (BAP) that provides coverage for claims made by an injured employee against a fellow employee who caused or contributed to the injury.

What is the difference between a coworker and fellow employee?

Anyone who works at the same company or law firm as you is considered a coworker. Colleagues are those who share a similar rank with you, whether at your company or another one. Fellow lawyers are colleagues, and fellow administrative employees are colleagues, no matter what firm they work at.

What is drive other coverage?

Drive Other Car (also known as DOC or CA9910), is a broadened coverage endorsement that gives certain named individuals coverage on vehicles that do not have to be listed on an Auto policy. These autos can be vehicles the insured does not own on a regular basis or ones that are leased for a short period of time.

What is symbol 1 on a business auto policy?

Symbol 1 provides the broadest coverage available. It means that any auto, whether owned by the insured or not, is covered for the bodily injury and property damage liability. It is important to note than Symbol 1 coverage can only be applied to liability coverage.

What are covered auto symbols?

Those little numbers are called covered auto designation symbols and they represent the type of vehicle that is protected by the applicable liability or physical damage insurance limit.

What are the symbols in a business auto policy?

Symbols 2, 3, and 4 can be used to trigger liability or physical damage coverage. Symbol 2 initiates coverage for all autos you own, including private passenger type autos and commercial vehicles (trucks). Symbol 3 designates private passenger autos only while symbol 4 triggers coverage for commercial vehicles only.

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