What is the role of Personnel Management?

What is the role of Personnel Management?

Personnel management can be defined as obtaining, using and maintaining a satisfied workforce. According to Flippo, “Personnel management is the planning, organizing, compensation, integration and maintainance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals.”

What are the major areas of personnel department responsibilities?

In short, human resource activities fall under the following five core functions: staffing, development, compensation, safety and health, and employee and labor relations. Within each of these core functions, HR conducts a wide variety of activities.

What is the role of HR in securing the involvement of the union?

They belong to both parties (the employer and the union representing the organization’s employees), and clarify working conditions, benefits and wages. They are helpful to employers as formal documents that govern how human resource issues should be handled and they ensure that all employees are treated the same.

What challenges do unions pose for human resource management?

The challenge that a labor union poses for HR management is the grievance processes that are in place by virtue of the collective bargaining agreement. Labor union contracts contain specific guidelines for HR management and union leadership in handling employee complaints and issues about working conditions.

Can HR be part of a union?

Labor unions and human resources work together during negotiations and when implementing the terms of a final agreement. Labor unions generally represent the employee and HR represents the company, but this does not mean that they are necessarily at odds any more than employees and employers are.

What kinds of plans are first line managers responsible for?

First-Line Managers They are directly responsible for making sure that organizational objectives and plans are implemented effectively. They may be called assistant managers, shift managers, foremen, section chiefs, or office managers.

What rights do non-union members have?

Non-union employees also have the right to try to form a union and are protected to do so under the NLRA. An employer may not retaliate or discriminate against non-union employees who attempt to organize or support a workplace union.

Can the union get my job back?

though usually the union steps in before termination. The union contract will specify how employees can be terminated, and as long as the employer followed those steps, the union might not have a basis for getting your job back.

Can a union get you fired?

Union Workers’ Job Security Since non-union workers are typically hired “at will” and without a union contract behind them, they can be fired for no particular reason. Workers with union jobs can only be terminated for “just cause,” and the misconduct must be serious enough to merit such action.

Can you reapply to a company that fired you?

It isn’t unheard of for someone to reapply for a job from which they were previously fired. Whether you’ll be considered for your old job heavily depends on the reason for your termination. In most cases, if you didn’t do something that was illegal or breached trust, an employer would consider rehiring you.

What makes someone not eligible for rehire?

There are a few scenarios that can result in you not being eligible for rehire: You were fired from the position for long term underperformance. You were fired due to illegal activity. You breached the organizational trust.

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