What is the texture of pegmatite?

What is the texture of pegmatite?

PEGMATITE is a common plutonic rock, of variable texture and coarseness, that is composed of interlocking crystals of widely different sizes. The most spectacular pegmatites contain abnormally large crystals mixed with medium sized and smaller crystals. Crystals up to many meters long have been reported.

What are the characteristics of pegmatite?

pegmatite Very coarse-grained, igneous rock, usually of granitic composition, in which the individual crystals are at least 2.5 cm long. The crystals are often more than 1 m in length, and may be far larger. Crystallization occurs at a late stage, when the magma is enriched in volatiles and trace elements.

What is the hardness of pegmatite?


Is gold found in pegmatites?

Gold can occur in economic grades in Pegmatites are magmas containing granitic type minerals (feldspar, quartz, mica) which cool slowly and thus allow for very large crystals (>2.5cm) to form. The fluid percolates through the overlying rock and deposits minerals which may contain gold amongst other valuable metals.

What kind of rock is gold found in?

quartz rock

How do you test gold with vinegar?

Vinegar Test Simply take a few drops of vinegar and drop it onto your gold item. If the drops alter the color of the metal, then it’s not real gold. If your item is real gold, the drops will not change the color of the item!

What color is raw gold?

golden yellow

What does real gold look like in a rock?

But real gold stays bright even when out of direct sunlight, and though soft, does not fall apart when you touch it like fool’s gold can. Raw gold in rocks appears as threads of a yellow-gold color winding its way through quartz.

What does pure gold feel like?

Genuine gold has a beautiful soft yellow color and is not very shiny. If your gold piece is too shiny, too yellow, or has another color tone (usually reddish), then it’s not pure gold. The purity hallmark. For example, if you own the purest gold, you should see hallmark “999” or “24K” engravings somewhere on the item.

Can you use vinegar to tell if gold is real?

Vinegar can be used to test gold and it is one of the best methods for testing gold available at home. You simply place the gold in the vinegar and see if the gold keeps shining or changes color. Real gold will not change color or shine when exposed to vinegar.

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