What is the theme of the poem telephone conversation?

What is the theme of the poem telephone conversation?

The primary theme of “Telephone Conversation” is racism. In the poem, a Black man tries to confirm a housing arrangement with a landlady over the phone. He wishes to inform the landlady that he is Black, and a ridiculous conversation ensues regarding how dark his skin color is.

Who are the characters in the poem telephone conversation?

The poem “Telephone Conversation” by Wole Soyinka introduces readers to the characters of the white landlady and the black African man. The African man is also the speaker in the poem.

How does the poem telephone conversation reveal the absurdity of racism?

As the title suggests, the poem depicts a telephone conversation between a west-African man and a British land-lady who shockingly changes her attitude towards the man soon after he reveals his racial identity. It also grapples with the issue of racism that lurks within the minds of countless individuals.

What is the meaning of telephone conversation?

Image Source: pixabay.com. We can define telephonic conversation as an exchange of information between two persons over telephone. This is not a face-to-face conversation rather a person-to-person conversation where nobody sees other but hears each other and interacts instantly.

What is the purpose of a telephone conversation?

Second only to face-to-face communication, telephone conversations allow you to connect directly with your customers as people. This makes every conversation more personal and making your customers feel more valued.

How do you talk on the phone conversation?

When you want to speak to a specific person, ask to speak to him or her with a polite question starting with ‘may’ or ‘could’. For example “May I speak to Rachel Smith, please?” sounds a lot better than “I want to speak to Rachel Smith”. Use polite questions when you are talking about the reason for your call, too.

How do you start a conversation with a client on a call?

How to Lead a Business Conversation When Talking On the Phone

  1. How to talk professionally: basic tips.
  2. Prepare for a call.
  3. Introduce yourself.
  4. State the main reason for your call.
  5. Listen actively without interrupting.
  6. Practice your business phone etiquette.
  7. Give thanks.
  8. A brief afterword.

How do you end a phone conversation?

Here are a few tips and phrases to help you politely and professionally end phone conversations.

  1. Close the door. When it’s time to end the conversation, be sure you are not inviting the other person to continue talking.
  2. Use breaks in conversation.
  3. Interrupt politely.
  4. Offer future calls.

How do I say goodbye on the phone?

Other possible things to say just before “Bye” include: – Receiver/ Caller: “Have a good evening/ day/ weekend/ holiday/ vacation/ day off.” – Receiver/ Caller: “Have fun.”/ “Have a good time.” – Receiver/ Caller: “Take care.”/ “Bon voyage.”

What to say to end a call?

Thank the caller for their time and then wish them the best. If they’ve already wished you the best, simply say “Thanks, you too.” For example, try ending a call with “It’s been so nice talking with you. Have a great rest of your day!”

What do you say at the end of a conversation?

Use the example words and expressions below to appropriately end a conversation and say goodbye.

  1. Have a good day!
  2. It was wonderful to talk with you. I must be going.
  3. It was great to talk with you. I look forward to seeing you again soon (or talking with you again soon).
  4. It was great to see you again.

How do you end a call professionally?

The Most Popular Call-Ending Statements

  1. “Thanks for calling and if you have any additional questions, please call us.”
  2. “Thanks for calling [COMPANY NAME].
  3. “Goodbye, Mr/Mrs [INSERT CUSTOMER NAME], thank you for calling.”
  4. “You’ve been speaking with [INSERT ADVISOR NAME] today.

How do you say goodbye in a conversation?

Different ways to say “goodbye” in English

  1. Bye / Bye-bye.
  2. See you soon!
  3. See you later.
  4. Take care.
  5. Have a good one!
  6. Have a nice day!
  7. So long.

What can we say instead of bye?


  • adieu.
  • bye-bye.
  • Godspeed.
  • adios.
  • cheerio.
  • ciao.
  • parting.
  • swan song.

How do you say goodbye in a cute way?

If you want to make the whole thing extremely memorable, here are some simple and fun ways to say goodbye:

  1. See ya later, alligator!
  2. Fare Thee Well.
  3. Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.
  4. Catch you on the flip side!
  5. Don’t get run over!
  6. To the winch, wench!
  7. Cheerio.
  8. I need to scoot!

How do I say goodbye in slang?


  1. (formal): adieu, farewell.
  2. (informal): catch you later, bye, bye-bye, see ya, see you, so long, mind how you go, ta ta, tatty bye, toodeloo, toodles, TTFN, ttyl.
  3. (slang): buh-bye, hasta la vista, later, laters, keep it real, peace, peace out, take it easy; cya.

How do you say goodbye without hurting him?

How To Say Goodbye To Someone You Still Love Deeply

  1. Take Your Time. People say that time is the best healer.
  2. Meet New People.
  3. Be Sure To Know Why You Have To Say Goodbye.
  4. Focus on Staying Apart From Each Other.
  5. Have the Ideal Person in Mind.
  6. Find a True Love.
  7. Forgive and Forget.
  8. Discard All Evidence.

How do you say goodbye 2020?

Experts say it’s important for people to say farewell to 2020 in a healthy way. They say it’s OK to acknowledge all the challenges and sorrow, but it’s also important to move on. They recommend people shift their perspective, unplug when they can, and be kind to themselves as 2021 approaches.

What does good riddance mean?

—used to say that one is glad that someone is leaving or that something has gone Winter is finally over, and I say good riddance!

What do you say at the end of a relationship?

What to Say and How to Say It

  • Tell your BF or GF that you want to talk about something important.
  • Start by mentioning something you like or value about the other person.
  • Say what’s not working (your reason for the break-up).
  • Say you want to break up.
  • Say you’re sorry if this hurts.
  • Say something kind or positive.

How do I tell my ex I still love him?

Here are eight things to say to your ex who you still love, enabling you to get him/her back into your life.

  1. Do You Remember When We…
  2. I Am Sorry for…
  3. You Are the Best Thing That Happened to Me.
  4. I Have Never Wanted Our Relationship to Die.
  5. We Are in This Together.
  6. I Will Always Care for You.
  7. No One Can Replace You.

Do I tell my ex I miss him?

The short answer is: NO. You should never tell your ex boyfriend that you miss him directly. This makes you sound desperate, and turns him off completely. Instead, you have to tell him you miss him without saying it directly.

Can an ex fall back in love with you?

According to experts, it’s totally possible, and it happens more than you might think. In most cases, it’s totally possible to fall back in love with someone you used to date. It’s hard to move on from an ex, and because they were such a big part of your life, it’s totally normal to fall back in love, Trombetti says.

Should I tell my ex I still think about him?

If your ex is single, then it’s perfectly fine to get in touch and let him know that you still have feelings for him and might want to get back together, as long as that’s what you want. If he’s seeing someone, you need to wait. If so, just try to think about how you’d feel if someone pulled that with your boyfriend.

Should you ever tell an ex you miss them?

Leave him alone if he doesn’t want to text, call, talk or meet with you. Even if you broke up on good terms and are friendly in public, you know when your ex doesn’t want a relationship with you. You should never tell your ex you miss him and want him back if you know he just wants to get along and move on.

Can you be friends with your ex if you still love them?

If you genuinely love spending time together and have a bunch of shared hobbies, interests, and mutual friends, that’s totally valid. Just make sure you’re not trying to substitute a platonic relationship for your romantic relationship just because it’s easier to still have them in your life that way.

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