What is unique about Colorado College?

What is unique about Colorado College?

The distinct rhythm of the Block Plan offers students a combination of challenge and opportunity, encouraging hands-on fieldwork, autonomous research, and in-class discussion. We love to learn, we never cram for five finals at once, and professors not only know our names, but also invite us home for dinner.

What is Colorado College known for?

Academic Life at Colorado College The most popular majors at Colorado College include: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Economics, General; Sociology; Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology; and Political Science and Government, General. The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 96%.

Is Denver University Liberal or conservative?

Denver is widely regarded to be among the more liberal major cities in the United States. But it’s also home to Colorado Christian University, which the research website Niche just ranked the seventh-most-conservative American college — and it’s among the fastest-growing, too.

Is Colorado College diverse?

We combine elements of racial, geographic, age and gender diversity to come up with a total diversity grade for every school. Ranked #94 in the nation, Colorado College is considered extremely diverse.

What is the most liberal school in America?

Most Liberal Colleges in the U.S.

  • Bard College. Dutchess County, NY.
  • Evergreen State College. Olympia, WA.
  • Hampshire College. Amherst, MA.
  • Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley, MA.
  • Oberlin College. Oberlin, OH.
  • Portland State University. Portland, OR.
  • San Francisco State University. San Francisco, CA.
  • Sarah Lawrence College.

Is American University a liberal school?

AU is a very liberal arts-based university and is incredibly focused upon writing abilities. Those who are interested in getting heavily involved in greek life may want to look at another university.

Is American University a fun school?

American University Though the school’s population is relatively small and has fewer parties when compared to state schools, many students assert it’s worth it to be in DC. Welcome Week is probably the most fun for nightlife around campus. There are open fraternity parties every night to take advantage of.

Why is NYU Liberal Studies?

The liberal arts curriculum of NYU’s College of Arts and Science seeks to educate students in the range of human experience and achievement and to provide them with the skills and breadth of perspective needed to become leaders in their professional lives and active participants in the communities in which they live.

What is the liberal studies program at NYU?

The Liberal Studies Core is a two-year interdisciplinary liberal arts curriculum that provides an innovative foundation for nearly 100 NYU majors. The curriculum emphasizes great works across civilizations in a global context, introducing students to complex ideas and material culture from antiquity to today.

How hard is it to get into NYU College of Arts and Sciences?

Admission to the College of Arts and Science at New York University is highly selective. Applicants are admitted as first-year and as transfer students. Candidates are accepted on the basis of predicted success in the specific programs in which they are interested.

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