What is Viola like in Twelfth Night?

What is Viola like in Twelfth Night?

Viola. A young woman of aristocratic birth, and the play’s protagonist. She disguises herself as a young man, calling herself “Cesario,” and becomes a page to Duke Orsino. She ends up falling in love with Orsino—even as Olivia, the woman Orsino is courting, falls in love with Cesario.

How does Shakespeare portray viola?

Viola is involved in many of the main themes in the play. These themes are order, love, foolery, balance and disguise. Viola arrives in Illyria in Act 1 Scene 2. In this scene Shakespeare shows Viola to be deeply saddened by her loss, presenting her as a caring character. …read more.

Who does Viola disguise herself as?


Why can’t Viola serve Olivia?

The captain of the ship informs Viola that Olivia will not accept anyone’s help or company, not even the Duke’s, due to her deep depression. Viola wanted serve Olivia, but when she found out that she wasn’t able to do so, she insists on disguising herself in order to serve Orsino.

Why does Viola dress up as Cesario?

In Twelfth Night, Viola dresses as the male Cesario in order to gain entry into Orsino’s court. Just as Viola’s male disguise enables her to get close to Lady Olivia, dressing as a man allows Viola to experience a great degree of intimacy with Duke Orsino.

What scene does Viola fall in love with Orsino?

Twelfth Night

VIOLA I think it well, my lord.
DUKE ORSINO Then let thy love be younger than thyself,
Or thy affection cannot hold the bent;
For women are as roses, whose fair flower

Why does Viola fall for Orsino so quickly?

Another answer to this question is that Viola falls for Orsino because he’s passionate and poetic. Even though Olivia doesn’t wind up with “Cesario,” she does transfer her desire from “Cesario” to Sebastian. Without Viola, then, Olivia and Orsino would remain locked into their self-absorbed states.

Can viola be called the heroine of Twelfth Night?

Viola is the heroine of Twelfth Night, and along with Olivia, the play’s centre. However, whereas Olivia is more of a passive character (characters fall in love with her, and pursue her), Viola is active throughout: the catalyst who drives the plot on.

Who is the brother of Viola in Twelfth Night?


Who does Viola marry in Twelfth Night?


Why does Viola reveal her identity at the end of Twelfth Night?

Viola’s chief problem throughout the play is one of identity. Because of her disguise, she must be both herself and Cesario. This mounting identity crisis culminates in the final scene, when Viola finds herself surrounded by people who each have a different idea of who she is and are unaware of who she actually is.

How does Viola reveal her identity?

Viola then reveals that her real identity is hidden by “masculine usurp’d attire”; she is Sebastian’s lost twin sister, and she can prove it by taking them to the home of a sea captain who knows of her disguise and is keeping her women’s clothes for her; however, they must produce Malvolio because he has been holding …

Who is hero of Twelfth Night?

Viola is the protagonist of the play. She begins the play in an unfortunate and vulnerable position, having been shipwrecked in a strange land where she does not know anyone.

What does Viola think happened to her brother?

What does Viola think has happened to her brother? Viola thinks her brother has died in the shipwreck that she was rescued from. Both of them lost or thought they lost a brother.

Why is Viola in Illyria Twelfth Night?

Role in the play She is a young woman of Messaline. In the beginning, Viola is found shipwrecked on the shores of Illyria and separated from her twin brother, not knowing whether he is alive or dead, the Sea Captain tells her that this place is ruled by the Duke Orsino, who is in love with Countess Olivia.

Why does Duke Orsino want Cesario to woo Olivia for himself?

Duke Orsino asks Cesario to woo Olivia because Olivia is in mourning over her brother’s death, and she refuses to accept any marriage proposals or meet any strangers.

Why does Olivia reject Orsino?

Expert Answers Valentine tells Orsino in Act 1, Scene 1 that Olivia is uninterested in Orsino’s romantic feelings for her, and that she doesn’t even bother to read the letters he sends expressing his devotion to her. The reason she is uninterested is because she is grieving the recent loss of her beloved brother.

What made Olivia fall in love with Cesario?

Olivia quickly falls in love with the witty Cesario (Viola’s name when she is in disguise) because Cesario is unafraid of saying what he/she is thinking, even though Cesario never says anything nice to Olivia (except, of course, when speaking Orsino’s messages).

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