What new technologies helped create skyscrapers quizlet?
Elevators helped building tall buildings. Steel frames helped weight distribution.
Is Detroit a safe place to live?
Is Detroit safe? Real talk, crime rates in Detroit are above the national average in all categories. The city consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S., but it doesn’t mean it’s unsafe to live here.
What is wrong in Flint Michigan?
The study found that Flint water was “very corrosive” and “causing lead contamination in homes”. It concluded in its report that “Flint River water leaches more lead from plumbing than does Detroit water. This is creating a public health threat in some Flint homes that have lead pipe or lead solder.”
Which city has the most crime?
Detroit, MI remains in the number one spot as the most violent city in America for the second straight year with a violent crime rate of 19.5 per 1,000 population, and the chance of being a violent crime victim is 1 in 51. The city reported 13,088 violent crimes last year, down 3% from the prior year.
Is Flint a good place to live?
U.S. News and World Report just put out a report on the best places to live in the United States. Flint appeared at No. 115. The rankings considered the most populous metropolitan areas and then used a number of factors, including affordability, quality of life, job market and desire to live in the area.
Who is the police chief of Flint?
Terence Green
Is Flint a suburb of Detroit?
Sometimes considered a suburb of Detroit, Flint is more accurately described as a “satellite” city. Like Saginaw, Pontiac, and other factory towns in Michigan, Flint’s identity is often influenced and predicted by the Motor City and the peaks and valleys of the American auto industry.
What is flint known as the home to?
Flint is most known for being the birthplace of General Motors, and the Flint Sit-Down Strike of 1936 and 1937, that played a vital role in the formation of the United Auto Workers.
Can you shower in Flint?
Is it safe for adults to shower or bathe with Flint water? Your skin does not absorb lead in water. If plain tap water has too much lead, bathing and showering is still safe for children and adults. It is safe even if the skin has minor cuts or scrapes.