What organization created as part of the New Deal constructed dams and helped with flood control in Tennessee?

What organization created as part of the New Deal constructed dams and helped with flood control in Tennessee?

Tennessee Valley Authority

Was the Tennessee Valley Authority Act successful?

The TVA was a great success almost from the beginning and helped ease some of the economic hardship not only in the state of Tennessee but also in parts of Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

What negative impact did the Tennessee Valley Authority provide?

What negative impact did it have? Provided flood control, hydroelectric power, conservation, recreational facilities; coal burning caused environmental pollution.

What was the largest New Deal relief program?

The largest programs still in existence today are the Social Security System and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

How did the TVA help the economy?

Through its Economic Development organization TVA works with companies to find the very best place for new factories, stores or offices. It tells the companies how much power costs, whether good roads are nearby and whether there are trained people in the area who would be able to work in their business.

What changes were made to the environment by the TVA quizlet?

It created a program called Tennessee Valley Authority that harnessed water power to generate electricity and to help prevent disastrous floods in the Tennessee Valley which helped the environment.

What were the main benefits of government support for art and literature in the 1930s?

Writers produced literature about the hardships and daily struggle of the American people during the 1930s. New Deal art produced a written and pictorial legacy of the Depression years. The government provided writers and artists with the opportunity to create. The arts became more accessible to the public.

How did the entertainment industry affect the economy 1930s?

The entertainment industry did not affect the economy in the 1930’s as much as it did affect the people. At the time, many who were going through rough times would go to the theaters and watch a movie to get away from all of the troubles in reality. about 65 percent of the population were going to movies once a week.

How did some liberals and conservatives criticize the New Deal quizlet?

How did some conservatives criticize the New Deal? They say that is too big and too powerful, and that it also got in the way of free enterprise. They feel that the gov’t should not be so involved in the economy.

In what ways did the New Deal support American arts?

But they also served a larger purpose-to give all Americans access to art and culture. New Deal artists brought theater, music, and dance to every corner of the nation and created hundreds of thousands of paintings, prints, drawings and sculpture. Their work continues to adorn public buildings throughout the country.

How did the New Deal support the arts quizlet?

How did the New Deal support the popular and fine arts in America? THey were aided by federal funds allocated by Congress to support the popular and fine arts and to provide jobs. FDR believed that the arts were not luxuries that people should give up in hard times.

Why did the government help support the arts in the 1930s?

Writers produced literature about the hardships and daily struggle of the American people during the 1930s; a written and pictorial legacy of the Depression years; provided writers and artists the opportunity to create; the arts became more accessible to the public.

What were the two major criticisms of FDR’s New Deal economic policies quizlet?

What were two major criticisms of FDR’s new economic policy? The Right complained it made government too powerful, government told business how to operate, spent large amounts of money and ran up the national debt.

What were the major criticisms of the New Deal quizlet?

Terms in this set (6)

  • Liberals. Roosevelt didn’t do enough to help the poor.
  • Conservatives. new Deal gave gov’t too much control of agriculture and business.
  • Supreme Court. Struck down NIRA and AAA as unconstitutional.
  • Father Charles Couglin.
  • Dr.
  • Huey Long.

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